Let’s see I have this straight – Injection needles for drugs good, plastic straws for toddlers and young children bad?

by Skip

Yeah, I think I have that down pat.  All over the nation in the bigger cities I read of “needle exchange programs” for people using illicit drugs who then drop them all over the place, including where young children play in parks and playground and schoolyards.  There’s even talk of setting up “shoot up rooms” so that illegal drug users can shoot up “in safety” – all the Progressives are perfectly fine with this. You know, “helping” those that are doing criminal acts so as to do more of it.  Hey, “No Stigma!” is all the rage.  It’s like taxes in reverse – tax that what you want less of while removing yet another brick in the Wall That Is Society; it’s just flashing yet another green light for yet more bad behavior. Add in condemnation for us that rightfully call out these accessories to illegal behavior for being wrong and you certainly get more of it.

But use a plastic bendy straw with which to suck on a cool libation…oooh, that’s BAD! You Polluter you, you hate the Earth, you hate turtles who get stuck with straws up their noses

Sidenote: my extremely dry humor Eldest quiped – “well, it shouldn’t have been doing a line of coke in the ocean, should it?” to which my rejoinder was “how’d it stay dry?” But I’m off topic.

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