Let’s see I have this straight – Injection needles for drugs good, plastic straws for toddlers and young children bad?

by Skip

Yeah, I think I have that down pat.  All over the nation in the bigger cities I read of “needle exchange programs” for people using illicit drugs who then drop them all over the place, including where young children play in parks and playground and schoolyards.  There’s even talk of setting up “shoot up rooms” so that illegal drug users can shoot up “in safety” – all the Progressives are perfectly fine with this. You know, “helping” those that are doing criminal acts so as to do more of it.  Hey, “No Stigma!” is all the rage.  It’s like taxes in reverse – tax that what you want less of while removing yet another brick in the Wall That Is Society; it’s just flashing yet another green light for yet more bad behavior. Add in condemnation for us that rightfully call out these accessories to illegal behavior for being wrong and you certainly get more of it.

But use a plastic bendy straw with which to suck on a cool libation…oooh, that’s BAD! You Polluter you, you hate the Earth, you hate turtles who get stuck with straws up their noses

Sidenote: my extremely dry humor Eldest quiped – “well, it shouldn’t have been doing a line of coke in the ocean, should it?” to which my rejoinder was “how’d it stay dry?” But I’m off topic.

Seriously, this is a screwed up Politically (and ridiculously stupid) Correct world we live it to have those examples as extremely good and bad, respectively. Or, respectfully at all; one is a huge affront especially when we have laws against such drugging acts but using taxpayer monies to support it (because SAFETY FIRST!) and the other is just worse than STUPID by criminalizing little children that happen to be users of those items to quench their itty bitty thirsts.

So, at least, seeing nowthat needles are fine and kids’ straws are not, Capitalism will always find a way to fill a void (especially when silly ignorant people are creating them because they can no longer tell right from wrong): The Needle Straw!

Undercover Needle Straw

Indeed!  Become one of the backassward PC Society’s Protected Classes with just a single casual slurp.  You won’t have to worry about jail and they’ll also back that Narcan delivery truck right up to your back door thinking you’re gonna need a whole lotta help from that tall glass of lemonade (note: just as long as you didn’t buy it from a little kid’s front yard at 50 cents a pop – the city licensing people will want you signing all kinds of paperwork or fine you big time!). But I digress.

And it’s true – there’ll nary be a littering charge lodged against you when you’re done because all of the sympathy “the used needle engenders” will have for your “condition”.  Speaking of lemonade, you might even get lucky if a white crystalline residue from all the sugar flowing through it appears – that small industry that has popped up all over for this will just LOVE you if you drop it right in front of them!  Well, as long as the Medicaid Expansion reimbursement rates go up.  Just like for legalized sexual mutilation for “sexual dysphoria” which now we all are starting to pay for as well. The thirst for more money never seems to end, does it?  But I digress. Again.

It’s always about getting more EVEN if you offered to be volunteering your time, facilities, and your virtue signaling for the “oppressed”. You know, like the “club” football programs that adults propose “for the children” and then later ask for high school recognition so that “they can play other schools” and then finally demand to become part of the high school programs because there’s never enough money from the volunteers and Government ALWAYS has more money, right? And now we have to pay the coaches and the former “volunteers” because they won’t show up if we don’t, regardless of their earlier promises to never let that happen. Just substitute a different word for football and you end up with the same sad story which always ends up with same sad ending: more of your money and the wrong people are branded as bad.

It’s always about “for the children”. Or something else. Until it’s about straws.

And there’ll be a whole lotta virtue-signaling folks that won’t be able to figure out what I just did.

It all sucks, doesn’t it?

(H/T: Powerline)

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