Buffalo Wild Wings Refuses Service to Police Officers…Because They were Armed

Nonsense is so good only because common sense is so limited. —George Santayana

Not_visiting Bufalo Wild WingsWelcome to the UK! no, just kidding…actually, one might have thought this joint was in the UK. This food chain would not serve armed Police Officers.

MANASSAS, VA — Eight police officers were refused service at Buffalo Wild Wings on Wednesday, apparently because they had their weapons displayed. As Reported in the Thin Blue line, Eight Prince William County Police officers on duty, but  in plain clothes,  walked into the Buffalo Wild Wings located near Wellington Road and Market Street, but were refused service by an employee who

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Can You Choose Not to have Leukemia?

Sandra Fluke is making the case that allowing employers to deny contraception on religious grounds could just get so out of control that they (employers) might deny coverage for other things like….say…Leukemia. Hey -I just met you, And this is crazy.  But here’s my number…so Leukemia maybe? I am not quite sure what should be … Read more

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