Testimony or Public Comment?

There were a lot of bills heard this week in Concord…. And there was much public comment that followed… Portions of which were outright lies and confabulation. To support, or not support the legislation at hand….a particular bill. I nearly always refer to any verbal address to committees as public comment, despite others who call … Read more

Second Amendment Bills: Invitations To Prevarication

HB 330 came before the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee yesterday. As expected both bills were opposed by law enforcement community and as often is, it’s reasonably predictable what the nature of those objections are.

New Hampshire State Police Capt. John Lalacheur told the committee that changes in the law will make it difficult for police to fight gang and drug violence. Lalacheur also citied issues with the Outlaw HB_330_Graphic.jpgMotorcycle group and an upcoming Hells Angels World meet slated for this summer. Captain Lalacheur also made another statement to the committee that caught my attention. In speaking of the current laws supposed limitations, he asserted to the committee that only felons are precluded from receiving a license so a person with a history of misdemeanor assaults can legally obtain (and must be issued) a New Hampshire Pistol Revolver License. We all know full well that simply isn’t true.

On March 31, 2006 Dover Police Chief William Fenniman sent a letter to Edward J. Bleiler, notifying him that his New Hampshire Pistol Revolver License was revoked citing that Bleiler was, “not a suitable person at this time.” Bleiler appealed the revocation in District court as prescribed by statute and the District Court upheld the action by the Dover Police Chief. This case was heard in the New Hampshire Supreme Court which upheld the District court’s affirmation of Bleiler’s revocation.

It is important to point out that Bleiler was never charged with a crime. The Dover Police Department revoked his license on the basis that his haughty, raucous behavior was such that he has caused several people to be alarmed by his inappropriate firearms handling, silly statements, and refusal to address them when asked to do so. (It doesn’t matter whether one agrees or disagrees with the court’s holding in this case. All who possess, handle and carry guns know there are things one simply does not say or do when exercising constitutional rights)

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The Weare Secret Police

Officers of the Weare Police Department do not like to be video-recorded, audio-recorded or photographed. In fact if recorded, they will arrest those who do without permission.

Since October of 2010, three people have been arrested by the Weare Police on felony wiretapping charges because individuals did not obtain consent from officers being videotaped. Do people ever ask for permission? Yes, in fact they do. Do police officers consent? I know of no instance. copwatchGranGrok.jpg

Police Cruisers, Booking Areas and the appurtenances of Police buildings often have video equipment installed and operating. Irony. Looking at 570-A:2, II (j), there is a legal exception for a, “uniformed law enforcement officer to make an audio recording in conjunction with a video recording of a routine stop performed in the ordinary course of patrol duties on any way as defined by RSA 259:125, provided that the officer shall first give notification of such recording to the party to the communication.”

So, the law states that police can video traffic stops and no consent is required, but a mere giving of notice to the person being stopped. But, it seems that some discretion is afforded as to video or not to video.

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“Blue Lou” D’Allesandro Decries Passage of House Bill 89

I take nothing Blue Lou says to overly serious

The “Shrill” Kathy And Her Pen

Kathy Sullivan accuses House Republicans of engaging in hypocrisy and partisanship. I painfully read her boring 800-plus words with unfettered amusement given the "Shrill Cathy’s" finger-pointing and demagoguing. She claims the hiring of Greg Moore by Speaker Bill O’Brien is somehow interwoven with the State Republican Party. She characterizes Moore’s hiring as ripe of a … Read more

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