The Biggest Special Interest Of All

Two Sheets PleaseThere’s something you might want to keep in mind about the state level Democrat wind machine as we move forward toward 2012.  It has been their practice to ignore their own out of state campaign dollars as they attack anyone or anything on the Republican side with even the most tenuous connection to influence from outside the state.  Even the governor has stood up and declared that he is against the influence of money from outside the state, while hundreds of thousands have poured into his pockets from places farther  and wider than the political borders of the Granite State.  But that’s all superficial by comparison to this.

How do governor Lynch, Chairman Buckley, presumptive democrat candidates for 2012 at every level, the whole of the democrat party, even their RINO sympathizers, explain why they embrace massive infusions of out of state money and all the disruptive influence it has at the state and local level…from the federal government?

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Can Gene Chandler Salvage The Liberal Agenda?

Provocative title, yes?  Well before you complain about it ask yourself a question.  Why does Dean "Bob" Barker, and the leftistas prefer Chandler over O’Brien?  "That the Dems, if unified, can play a role in preventing him [O’Brien]from being House Speaker, is good news. Dean is part and parcel to the entire Buckley/Sullivan progressive fringe … Read more

Taking All The ‘Air’ Out Of “Fair”

The Nashua Telegraph spent most of the election season giving up huge chunks of their Sunday commentary page to the mouth-pieces of special interests promoting left wing causes like health care deform, so why stop now that the election has passed?  This week we get the implausible assumptions of Cathy Silber, the coordinator of the Granite State Fair Tax Coalition (GSFTC), who upon seeing the blood in the water on November 3rd, has attempted a preemptive strike for her pet special interest project–an income tax for New Hampshire.

Silber has been fighting "The Pledge," an oath signed by Granite State candidates who promise to vote against any sales or income tax should they meet that big bad wolf tax on the way to Grandmothers house, or anywhere else.  So Silber is the "Anti-pledger," plying class warfare rhetoric dressed as "fairness" in her quest to drag New Hampshire down the broad based tax rabbit hole, with the lie that it would take pressure off property taxes and create a more fair redistribution of wealth…oops I mean a more fair distribution of the tax burden.  Wait.  I had it right the first time.

What, you don’t think GSFTC is seeking the redistribution of wealth?

Take a look at who is in the "fair tax" coalition.  Union heavyweights; the NEA-NH, SEIU-1984(NH), and the NH State Employees Association, our state government employees union.  Who else?  How about a slew of social justice groups like the Unitarian Universalist’s and the NH Council of Churches, anti gun, pro-global warming, supporting redistribution of wealth, all left wing causes aided in their minds by a new broad based tax.

Takes all the ‘Air’ out of Fair, don’t you think? 

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Freshman Get A Voice

November 9, 2010 Dear Freshman Member–Elect, As you prepare to come to Washington for Orientation during the week of November 14th, we wanted to bring to your attention the various leadership opportunities available to your class.  The incoming GOP freshman class for the 112th Congress is no ordinary freshman class, and this is no ordinary … Read more

A Word From The Chairman Of New Hampshire’s Super Minority Party

Over on Facebook last week the Chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat party wished we had this law on the books.

British Election Overturned Because of "False Statements"

The Independent reports that former British immigration minister Phil Woolas "lost his seat as an MP today after an election court ruled that he knowingly made false statements about an opponent in May’s general election."

Bloomberg notes Woolas was guilty of "an illegal practice" by making statements "he had no reasonable grounds for believing were true and did not believe were true."

"It is the first time in 99 years that an election has been overturned as a result of a candidate making false statements. Woolas told reporters he is applying for a judicial review of the decision."

Why?  Mr. Buckley claims that if we had this law…

"Hardly a Republican would hold office in New Hampshire if we had this law here…"


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From The Firewall – The Second Amendment

Does The GOP Want That New Direction Or Not

Should the New Hampshire Republican House Caucus have the opportunity to vote for their Majority leader? That’s majority leader not Speaker. Traditional wisdom says yes but today, rumor has it, that three of the four candidates for speaker are said to have voted no on the matter.

Playing 52 Pick Up, And Then Some

New Hampshire Election Information ( has the results posted of its 52-pick up page an effort to identify and track the replacement of fifty-two "of the most statist and the most vulnerable legislators in the New Hampshire House of Representatives."

The final accounting is impressive.

Only four of the fifty two reps listed survived the 2010 election season; Evalyn Merrick (Coos 2), Peter Ramsey (Hills 8), Daniel Sullivan (Hills 8), and Nick ‘The Nuke’ Lavasseur (Hills 11) survived.  The other 48 got washed out in the roughly 296 seat sweep of the House.

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Marco Rubio

A View From The Progressive Wilderness?

Seems to me Ray should be accusing the voters of overreach, and that’s probably what he’s doing. But a 75% Majority of State government sends a message about someones agenda, even when that message is delivered to democrats. It’s, what’s the word, a referendum.

Inconveninet Truths About The October Jobs Numbers

Is there really any improvement?Jobs numbers are tricky things.  Politicians will always tell you what you want to hear and leave out what they don’t want you to hear.  So it is no surprise that we are getting the same old song and dance, that "the economy created private sector jobs again."  That’s a nice thing to hear, but is it an improvement or are we still arranging deck chairs on the Titanic?

Deck chair anyone?

Unemployment is still at 9.6 percent and despite claims of job growth for ten months, unemployment has been at or above 9.6% for 20 months.

The numbers do not add up.

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Notable Quote – Russell Kirk

If men are discharged of reverence for ancient usage, they will treat this world, almost certainly, as if it were their private property, to be consumed for their sensual gratification; thus they will destroy in their lust for enjoyment the property of future generations, of their own contemporaries, and indeed their very own capital.

Notable Quote – Edmund Burke

One of the first and most leading principles on which the commonwealth and its laws are consecrated, is lest the temporary possessors and life renters in it, unmindful of what they have received from their ancestors, or of what is due to their posterity, should act as if they were the entire masters; that they … Read more

NHDP Policy – “Can’t Win On Issues? Cheat!”

Maggie Hassan must be in danger, why else spend all that money on fake signs with the Republican opponents name on it linking them to higher taxes.  That’s what’s happening in State Senate District 23.  The Democrats, practically overnight, have peppered the district with "counterfeit signs" that look like the candidates signs, but with some … Read more

Hodespocrisy – Birds Of A Feather

Fifteen democrat Senators have written a letter to the FEC seeking to act on the possibility that multinationals are using their foreign dollars to affect US elections.  Ten of the fifteen have PAC’s that have donated to Paul ‘foreign money hypocrite’ Hodes.  All but one of the fifteen has taken money in 2010 from foreign multi-nationals including Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a co-signer and co-hypocrite who took at least 41,850.00 potentially foreign dollars in 2010 herself before signing the letter.

But that’s a hypocrite for a different election.  We’re here to remind you what a hypocrite Paul Hodes is.

A review of US Senators by CNBC identifies 86 who have received money from companies that fit the left wing narrative on those meddling foreign contributors, at least 27 of whom have PACS or committees that have shared money with Paul Hodes.  That’s on top of money he’s received directly from organizations or companies with a foreign presence.

And on the jump (or the CNBC link above) you can see all the foreign money the letter signers have roped in, just in 2010.

So I guess they’ll be giving it all back then?




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DC Puppet?

A vote for John Lynch is a vote for Obamacare. John Lynch has not demonstrated any interest in protecting the state of New Hampshire from federal meddling of any kind.  He takes their money, strings attached, to hide his bad budgeting and big spending.  He’s accepted federal education money even though it was written with … Read more

Public Service Is About Trust

I’d just assume have a root canal without pain killer as suffer through an editorial by Carol Shea-Porter, but sometimes you have to take one for the team. So I have immersed myself in the last rights editorial of the soon to be former congresswoman from New Hampshire’s first district, which is ironically titled, ‘Public Service is about trust.’


Before I proceed let me offer up a comment on Carol’s notion of trust.  In traditional progressive fashion the meaning of trust has had to have been tortured before admitting under duress and threat of death to its friends and family members, that Carol’s application of it’s meaning holds any relevance at all to the historical application.  In fact Carol’s willingness to even use the word in this context, nay–any context at all–in reference to what she refers to as her public service, is a public disservice to the word, the language, the people of the first district, and serves to cement the likelihood that she is the disconnected, ruling class political shill we suspect her to be, if not also clinically insane.

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Karl Rove…Takes It To The Hole

Karl Rove, I know what’s up with the basketball references, lays out the hypocrisy over hidden donors and special interests.  I’m not a huge fan of Rove but the guy knows what he’s talking about here. As for the "taking it to the Hole" references, it’s all about scoring points right?  These are important points. … Read more

Teen Birth Rates Drop…..But why?

According to an article by Carol Robidoux in the Saturday morning, Union Leader, fewer New Hampshire teenagers have babies than their counterparts in other states.  The article discusses some reasons but never mentions the number of teen pregnancies that do not result in live births.

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent

The big government liberals have favored the notion of guilty until proven innocent, mostly with their opponents, for as long as we can remember.  Most recently it’s been cries of hate and racism without evidence, and more recent still accusations of using foreign money in US elections, again without proof and without parity.  They take more money from similar groups, or have provided evidence of real hate and racism without any desire to do anything about it.

Unless you are a progressive, you are guilty until proven innocent.

Then there was the woman who had her baby taken from her by child and family services right after she gave birth, here in New Hampshire.  Another case of the big government bureaucrat reacting first and asking questions later.  And it has happened again.

This time in Pennsylvania.  A young mother loses her baby to the government because of the results of a hospital policy to test new mothers for drugs  when they come in to give birth.  (And the liberals like Carol Shea-Porter want to give the government complete control over your body and your life in the form of federally managed heath care, of your retirement accounts, your energy, everything.)

This is just another example of the ‘utopia’ they have planned for you. There are strict rules, to be mishandled by incompetent, unimpeachable bureaucrats, handed down by the incumbent ruling class, that only apply to the rest of us. And we see it everywhere in the Obama/Democrat majority. The left’s leadership has been showing you their cards.  The laws do not apply to them.  They will not prosecute their own ruling class or its supporters.  But you?  You are guilty until proven innocent.

This mother lost her newborn for five days….because of a bagel.  

(We have video on the jump.)

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