Greg Moore from American’s for Prosperity explains the trap in the last budget that could pile a 12.5% tax hike on job creators and what you can do to help defuse this economic time bomb.
Greg Moore Explains How You Can Help Defuse New Hampshire’s Tax Hike Time Bomb
Greg Moore from American’s for Prosperity explains the trap in the last budget that could pile a 12.5% tax hike on job creators and what you can do to help defuse this economic time bomb.
Jeanine Notter, Al Baldasaro, Ann Marie Banfield, Hal Shurtleff and Scott Adler
Rep Jeanine Notter takes control of the program with guests Rep Al Baldasaro, Ann Marie Banfield, Hal Shurtleff, and Scott Adler from Merrimack Concerned Taxpayers.
Interview: Author, Film Maker and Public Speaker, Trevor Loudon
Author, Film Maker, investigative Reporter, and Public Speaker, Trevor Loudon joins us to talk about the problems with the Democrat field for president, including so-called moderate, Joe Biden.
Interview: NH Republican US Senate Candidate Bryant ‘Corky’ Messner
Republican Primary Candidate Corky Messner joined the Grok/603 Alliance crew on Radio Row just days before the primary. He is running to challenge Jeanne Shaheen for the US Senate from New Hampshire. For various technical and logistical reasons, we were not able to bring it to you until now. But, better late than never. Check … Read more
John Irish – The Patriot Guard Riders
John Irish gives a quick update on the Patriot Guard Riders and the New Hampshire Chapter of that organization. Listen Here on Spreaker
Interview: NHCD-1 Republican Candidate for Congress, Matt Mowers
In another later-than-we’d-like (Lost Episode) from Radio Row on Presidential Primary Weekend in New Hampshire, here is our (still relevant) interview with Republican Congressional Candidate Matt Mowers -Running in NH CD-1. Listen here on Spreaker
Radio Row – The Lost Episodes: “Returning Constitutional Control to all Levels of Government.”
The Lost Episodes – The 603 Alliance From Radio Row in Manchester NH- A majority of the Board of the 603 Alliance discusses what they’ve done so far to “return constitutional control to all levels of government.” And what they are doing to continue that goal for 2020. Listen on Spreaker Radio Here
Live Free and Rant 4: Every Business is Essential
Another lovely day in the apocalypse, and the US government has still shut down giant chunks of the economy. We go over our brave representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) and his unpopular stand against due process and pork barrel spending in the latest stimulus bill. We also cover the designation of some businesses as “non-essential” in … Read more
Interview: Trump Campaign co-chair and NH State Rep Al Baldasaro
Trump Campaign co-chair and NH State Rep Al Baldasaro joins us on Radio Row to discuss the President, Veterans Issues and Keeping America Great.
Interview NHGOP Chairman Steve Stepanek
We are joined on Radio Row in Manchester by NHGOP Chairman Steve Stepanek to talk about state and national politics, the NH Primary, and the looming November Elections.
Interview: AFP NH State Director Grege Moore
AFP New Hampshire State Director Greg Moore joins us on Radio Row in Manchester to talk local and national politics in the shadow of New Hampshire’s first in the nation presidential primary.
Podcast: Interview with Bill O’Brien, Republican Candidate for the US Senate
Recorded live on Radio Row in Manchester: our interview with US Senate Candidate Bill O’Brien. Bill is running for an opportunity to challenge sitting Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen.
Interview: NHGOP Vice Chair Pam Tucker
NHGOP Vice-Chair Pam Tucker joins Jim and Skip to discuss the political landscape, especially here in New Hampshire, as we work our way toward the historic November 2020 Elections.
This is the Political Data War’s New Frontier and Republicans are Winning
If you are curious about the cutting edge of real-time data mining or the political data war, this is the segment for you. Keywords: Automating competitive intelligence. Glenn Parham, the CEO of Pundit Analytics, joins us for Primary Weekend on Radio Row in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Goodbye Left-Leaning ‘Drudge’ – Hello “Bongino Report”
For years the Drudge report aggregated news content that helped surfers find something outside the main-stream media diet. Drudge has since been overcome by TDS. But we have good news. Dan Bongino has taken his podcast success and done us a solid with the Bongino Report.
Stop Giving Money to Dartmouth (‘cuz Climate Fraud)
Dartmouth did some excellent research on carbon sequestration by forests in New Hampshire. Trees sequester carbon into themselves and into the soil. Good work. But they then ruined it by making it about manmade co2 and climate change.
GrokTalk! V3 Episode 5 – Global Gender Brexit Warming Science!
This week we explore some scientific fraud from Dartmouth College, what the gender war looks like in a local New Hampshire town, the latest on Boris and Brexit, who will run in NH CD-1, ponder being fed up with being fed up, and ask, “will Hillary Run for President?”
GrokTALK! V3 Episode 4 – Fracking, Gun-Grabs, Supremacy, Schmidt, Brexit, Nadler, and Bathroom Politics
We’re back after an unplanned week off. The Cloud ate our podcast. Everything’s working this week and we’re firing on all cylinders, taking aim (figuratively) at the left and their ridiculous worldview.
GT V3 E002 – Boris, Brexit, Budgets, Bibles, and Bidens
This week we talk about the Republican primary challenge to Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen. Mike Pence and the Manchester VA. The NH Budget and Education spending. We have some insight into some amusing first in the nation primary news. And we’ve got one of the best explanations of Boris, Brit and EU Brexit politics you … Read more