Philosophy Archives - Granite Grok


Gracie Gato headshot

Gracie Gato? I doubt it as you can’t help yourself

So Steve had tipped me off to this post of her “Open letter To the Granitegrok” (as in a “love letter”) at her Granite State Buzz – heh! Once again, we see a Progressive female wanting to be treated equally getting upset because, well, I treated her like I would any man.

So, which do YOU think is the correct philosophy?

US President Ronald Reagan (R-CA): “Government exists to protect us from each other.  Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves?“ NH State Rep. Kris Roberts (D-Keene):  “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.” One takes the attitude that Citizens are stupid and must be herded …

So, which do YOU think is the correct philosophy? Read More »

Black Swan: Obama’s actions created the TEA Party. Is the Establishment Old Guard Republicans are about to be black swanned?..

“ if you aren’t going to do what you say you would, we can no longer trust you“ I am beginning to think so.  Certainly here in NH during the last two election cycles, the enmity between what I would call the Old Guard Establishment (e.g., “I’m a Republican because…..I’m a Republican” and “who the …

Black Swan: Obama’s actions created the TEA Party. Is the Establishment Old Guard Republicans are about to be black swanned?.. Read More »