So, which do YOU think is the correct philosophy?

by Skip

US President Ronald Reagan (R-CA): “Government exists to protect us from each other.  Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves?“ NH State Rep. Kris Roberts (D-Keene):  “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.” One takes the attitude that Citizens are stupid and must be herded … Read more

Email Doodlings – thoughts on Republicans & HB617 from a reader

by Skip

All kinds of emails come into the Inbox – right now, it can run 300 to 500 per day and I can’t get to them all, or if I do, the sheer volume of stuff just gives me a case of induced ADD (and with TMEW, the Eldest, & the Youngest medically diagnosed with ADHD, I KNOW ADD).  This one did catch and hold my attention (emphasis mine) – it shows that it isn’t just me saying this stuff.  NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn, are you listening?  Here’s a person (take them as a real example) that MIGHT be more positive about the Republican Party if it would just keep its word and be Consistent in how it applies what it says it believes in.


You don’t know me, but I am an originalist constitutional conservative, not a Republican, who happens to live in [Grok Witness Protection Program] in the formerly conservative state of New Hampshire. I run in a circle that includes [redacted to protect the guilty] and [redacted to protect the semi-guilty], another participant with the program. We have discussed HB 617 on the air and in emails. When I learned of the committee vote, I accused the emailer of the information of not having his facts straight. He then proceeded to straighten me out by sending me a detailed account of the vote.

Jennifer Horn has a steep hill to climb. The Republicans think that Democrat lite is the way to salvation and the way to correct a poor image. They want to be Bob Michels, if you remember that scum bag from Illinios. The vote on HB617 proves my point and illustrates why I will have nothing to do with the Party. I do support individual Republican candidates who are conservative enough and demonstrate some knowledge of the two Constitutions and the role of the states, as intended by the Founders. Rand Paul is one of those guys, as are Ted Cruz and Louis Ghomert.

The Democrat administration of our affairs is based on Progressive/Marxist doctrine. It can end only in bankruptcy. The Republicans need to stop worrying about image and what others are saying. They need to do the right thing. That more than a dozen of them on that committee don’t even know right from wrong shows why the Party is in ruins and can’t draw support from people like me.

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Black Swan: Obama’s actions created the TEA Party. Is the Establishment Old Guard Republicans are about to be black swanned?..

by Skip

if you aren’t going to do what you say you would, we can no longer trust you

I am beginning to think so.  Certainly here in NH during the last two election cycles, the enmity between what I would call the Old Guard Establishment (e.g., “I’m a Republican because…..I’m a Republican” and “who the heck do these newcomers think they are, waving the Party Platform and Constitution?”) and what I call the New Conservative Republicans (e.g, “Winning is the precursor, not the end game in itself”) has only become more distinct and calcified along that gap call “Philosophy / Country Club”.  Do you run and win to put a philosophy into action, or do you run to be somebody and “go along / get along” and make nice with the opposition?  The TEA Party arose because of Obama’s so compressed the political air, the common folks sprang up in dissent – with their ire aimed at those that were throwing the country into a fiscal black hole and ignoring the basic Rule of Law.  That included Republicans as well as Democrats – people who had never before protested got a glint in their eye for those they believed were not living up to and voting by the standards they swore oaths to.

It took the Democrats by surprise.  It took Republicans more by surprise.  And both are reacting against the upstarts – simply because many of us have had it with the Political Class (comprised of both Dems and Rs and the MSM / political operatives) that is seemingly protecting itself against the best needs of the country and “the little people”.

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