Peterborough Bringing Heavy Equipment to “Adjust” Local Gun Club “Property”

By Mark Carbone – President Monadnock Rod and Gun Club

I’m writing Granite Grok today to let you know that the Town of Peterborough is treating us unfairly. Our attorney, Penny Dean along with our VP Tom Harvey, Secretary Jim Pickford and Board Member Martin Bowen are onsite to receive the Town this morning.  I will be there in an hour or so.

Under the guise of Code Enforcement/Assessment, the Town and police are set to arrive some 7 minutes ago with heavy equipment. My first notice was last night after 5 with a personal voicemail that just asked me to return a call to the Chief of Police, Scott Guinard that included zero details. I only got a more complete story hours later from our attorney who received an email.

Again attorney Dean is onsite, and WMUR has reported that they will be there.

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Guest post by Penny Dean, Esq. – HB135 “Stand your ground” must be defeated


If the proposed changes to RSA 627:4 in the form of HB 135 are adopted (i.e. the return to the previous version of the law-see below), the affirmative defense will no longer be available to those who are forced to defend themselves or others at places other than their home. Nothing good will come from this. Innocent New Hampshire citizens are currently being regularly, unfairly and unreasonably charged for defending themselves and will have a greatly lessened chance at being found not guilty due to inadequate jury instructions if HB 135 passes, and thus less justice, the price for HB 135….potentially years of their life in prison.

If the accused in a self defense case “wins” as in is acquitted at trial, the price many pay is their job (in many instances a cash only bail is ordered, and many people cannot afford $10k or $25k cash bail, so are kept in jail and are fired from work because they cannot go to work). Ask yourself if you were absent from work for a month or two *(or longer) because you were in jail awaiting trial, would your boss keep your job open? What about those of you who might work for less than firearm friendly corporations? What is the likelihood you would HAVE a job after the charges against you were announced? Citizens who are forced to defend themselves while at the grocery store, walking home, leaving work, or anywhere they might be currently are NOT given a “free pass” by the very weak New Hampshire “stand your ground” affirmative defense law, but rather, after they are charged criminally, and then they may be allowed to raise the defenses found in RSA 627:4.

Many people do not understand what an affirmative defense is.

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Where Burt Cohen makes a fool of himself on NH TV

Colt AR 15As I have posted before, I generally DVR the regular Sunday morning talking head shows to listen to what the Progressive Libs have to say.  Most of the times, except for the Fox show, the Conservatives are out numbered.  So I was rather surprised at last week’s Closeup (WMUR 9, hosted by Josh McElveen – yes, first chance I’ve had to transcribe the audio).

The topic, naturally was about gun control.  Ralph Domico of Reilly’s Gun Shop and  GoNH, and attorney Penny Dean represented gun owners.  Former NH State Senator Burt Cohen showed up to represent the typical gun hater that is clueless about why he wants to ban guns.

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