You’ve been lied to. America is not “one nation.” I know this feels shocking. You’ve proclaimed the United States of America is “one nation, under God, indivisible” your entire life. But you’ve been parroting a myth.
one nation
Left’s Got Nothing, So Let’s Take Out The Trash
Comparing 8/28 to 10/2 is a bit silly. One was not meant to be political, the latter was entirely so. 8/28 inspired hundreds of thousands to share rides and come together in honor, One-Nation’s unions and CP activists paid for the buses that delivered their paltry numbers. 8/28 was a kind and caring event about thanks and personal reflection, 10/2 was a crowd of selfish, angry windbags looking to protect their free ride on the backs of the taxpayers, and to expand the totalitarian power of a huge central government.
Not too many people seemed to want that.
One Nation – Sick Lying Bastards
So the lying liberal progressive dirt bags who want to turn America into a socialist state are the same lying dirt bags who post pictures like this to give the impression that anyone actually gives a damn about their stupid cause.
Socialists Are Bad For The Environment
Pick and environment and socialists will ruin it, even the green socialists. Case in point; the mess the left after their little gathering in DC. They left trash everywhere with the obvious expectation that someone else will come along and clean up their mess.
That’s what they do to everything. Mess it up. Marooned In Marin has collected all the goods including some Tea Party Hate, the strong socialist presence, and assorted other gooides.
And then on the jump, there’s a nice video of socialists chanting about how they are socialists.