Remember When The Tea Party Threw Smoke Bombs At the White House?

From Jonah Goldberg yesterday, over at NRO’s The Corner. Remember When The Tea Party Threw Smoke Bombs At the White House?  Neither do I. The Secret Service was responding Tuesday night to an escalating protest that may have involved one or more smoke bombs being thrown over the White House fence. I know Suckley and … Read more

It’s The Shoes, Man

Occupiers redistributing without authorizationNothing says #Occupy movement like inspiring young people to support redistribution.  That is, unless, they are four minors and you have recruited them to remove a safe from your neighbors house. (So many fine lines between social justice and criminal justice and so little time to explore them all.)

Such is the predicament of Marion Smith, of Cross Street in Nashua; a multi-faceted #occupier-ette*, who tried to liberate some sneakers from Sears Essentials in Nashua the day before the company announced it would close that store.  Marion got caught sneaking the (presumably essential and no loner eponymous) sneakers just a few weeks after the great underage safe heist went awry, and is now facing a Class B Felony.

(*#occupier-ette: one of those people the Democrats are convinced can’t run their own lives who may not have been an actual occupier, but has undoubtedly been motivated by months of glowing media exposure and left wing praise, to the idea of redistribution)

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#Occupy New Hampshire Update 12-29-11

Democrat Party support of the occupy movement has inspired yet another local citizen to redistribute the wealth.  While standing in line at the Burger King in the Steeplegate Mall Food Court, an unknown man decided to ‘have it his way’ and redistributed a pair of $180.00 Oakley Sunglasses from atop the undeserving head of some … Read more

Prepare For The Barakaclypse

Every one of these was or is a left wing campaign to make leftist dogma look like centrist mantra. They exist to streamline progressive/socialsit thought into mainstream thinking. But they failed and so the latter iterations have become more destructive. Each “movement” has gotten progressively more unruly, progressively more violent.

Do You Beleive In Warrenism?

The Elizabeth Warren notion of who paid for what is no different than the public union employees who cry “but we pay taxes too?”  

Really?  If we stopped paying taxes, how would you pay yours?  How would you pay for anything?  (Hint: You’d have to work in the real world.)

Public employees can only pay their taxes after we pay them with ours.  It is like an allowance and subject to the same rules.  If we no longer feel we need or can afford to provide for it, we can choose to stop.

So nothing exists in government (including public sector paychecks, roads, bridges, or US Senatorial lifestyles for those wishing to aspire to them) unless someone else first earns something or creates something that they are willing to exchange for something done by government. 

Warrenism and left wing class warfare, however,  turns the relationship upside down.

Warrenism states that those receiving the allowance will not only define how much and how often they are paid (under threat of intimidation, public humiliation, lawsuits, and even imprisonment), they will also decide how it is to be spent and who and what will benefit. The problem with this scenario is that, as has often been said, you eventually run out of other peoples money So Warrenism is actually just another form of economic suicide that ends the way every other socialist hissy-fit has ended; in misery or violence, or more likely plenty of both.

No matter what happens Elizabeth Warren and the left wing elites will be fine.  That should tell you something about who they are and what they really care about.  Power.

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Our Idiot Brother

It’s not as though Goldman Sachs or Chrysler can tax Americans. Only government can do that. Only government can bail out private interests with public funds.

Eat The Rich

If we ‘eat the rich’ we get one meal, after which there is nothing left to eat. Without any wealth creators to tax the bloated government either starves to death or it looks for other prey. The ignorant statists are clearly not smart enough to know who is next in line, or forward thinking enough to know just how short that line is until the government gets to them.

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