The loons in Europe like to leap before they look, especially when it comes to climate voodoo, so they make for a great example of how stupid things can get. Take the UK. It’s got a complex bureaucracy and layers of rules that make doing anything more difficult, even when the doing is done by some other part of the Government.
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A Funding “Solution” For Democrats Concerned about Budget Cuts
Remember all that stuff we didn’t have to have in the New Hampshire budget before 2006 when the democrats started piling it up into what has become our Billion dollar budget deficit? I don’t either. I’m not even sure what they spent it on which is why I am convinced I can do without it. All this caterwauling is clearly just cover for keeping the bloated bureaucracy alive so they can milk it for union campaign contributions.
Quick Note To Those Seeking A Reasoned Political Debate
The first step would be to advance a theory where government didn’t have its fingers in every single pie. If the state left more decisions to local and individual control there would be a lot less to debate, and less heated rhetoric, because it would be none of the political classes damn business.