Or for another take, this subtitle: NHListens – the “Run Away!” edition!
Gosh, and last week was JUST.SO.MUCH.FUN! So this week was supposed to be the next one in the North Country series of “listening” sessions. Get out of work on time (and an unexpected “happening”)? Yup – Check! Good weather? Snow? Rain? Fire? Raining frogs (or other Biblical disasters)? Nope – Check! Heavy traffic, mechanical breakdown, gas in the tank and a Mikey D’s drive by? GPS loaded and locked in? Yup – Check! Arrive on time? Yup – Check! Go to the door and let myself in?
SCREEETCH (think: fingernails on a blackboard)! Er, nope. Anyways, this is the notice they left on the door of the Littleton Senior Center.:
Well, it was supposed to be such – there was a sizable number of folks that drove up north – just THINK of all that horrible CO2 that was emitted by fossil fueled conveyances for naught simply because NHListens couldn’t, well, listen. Isn’t that contrary to their whole notion of living ONLY in walkable cities – to NOT emit that evil gas that comes out of your mouth after every breath (btw, have you seen that the Earth is now the greenist in a long, long time with all of the new vegetation that is sprouting up?).
I guess that they weren’t all that happy that people showed up to their last session in Plymouth (and earlier) who expressed ideas contrary to the goals of the Granite State Future program (Heavens – people have been caught quoting the NH and US Constitutions! Totally unfair of them to be quoting the REAL Social Contract(s) of America!). Their actions (“La-La-La-La can’t hear you!”) reminded me of this: