NH State Senator Harold French his website

“Another Seat Draws a Crowd” – I Could Be Amused with One of Them

So, Kevin Landrigan’s Sunday “State House Dome” column in the UL is out and had this snippet: Another seat draws crowd The decision by state Sen. Harold French, R-Canterbury, to call it a State House career is attracting plenty of interest in the District 7 seat. State Rep. Lang is a likely contender. The chairman of the … Read more

GrokWatch: So, has AutoServ of Tilton added a new line of cars: “Politicized”??? And what else are those cars being used for?

AutoServ of Tilton - Phone NumberThere are two folks running in NH State Senate District 7 in which I reside: Republican Josh Youssef  and Democrat Andrew Hosmer.  We did endorse Josh in the Primary and believe him to be a better candidate still than Hosmer – a Progressive big-taxer centralizing-power Democrat.

While Josh is an entrepreneur, Hosmer married into the family that owns AutoServ – and is the General Manager there.  Well, I got a call last night.  Actually and to be truthful, TMEW got the call – she beat me to the phone so she had the opportunity to be the confused one – her brow furrowed.

“Who?”, she said.  “Brittney Murphy?  Are you sure….no, there is no Brittney that live here…..yes, I will be voting in the upcoming election.  Um, no, I will not be voting for Andrew Hosmer…g’nite.”

“Skip, would you look at this number, please?”

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GrokTV Event: Belknap County Republican Committee “Contested Primaries” – NH State Senate District 7

In Belknap County, there is a second NH State Senate race – that in District 7.  Here, Josh Youseff and Bill Grimm are vying to be the Republican nominee to take on the Democrat contender.  In my estimation, there is a certain divide between the two – Josh is more the Liberty & Freedom guy (and the last of our interview series with him is here; follow it backwards) while Grimm is more the Establishment guy.  Also, as you listen to the video, it is plain that Grimm is not exactly “heads on and out front” on his answers; too much equivocation for me.  And his unwillingness to commit to The Pledge is similar to one of the Democrats, Jackie Cilley (while less than that of Bill Kennedy who is opening arguing for a broadbased income tax here in NH).

No, that is not Josh in the video; instead, a surrogate stood in for him.

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