NHRTL Praises Dobbs Decision; Announces Resources for Mothers in Need

(Concord, NH – June 24, 2022) NH Right to Life celebrates the Dobbs decision, which allows states to resume their role as the primary protectors of life and liberty.

Now that Dobbs has overturned Roe v Wade, it is up to every state to decide how to protect the human rights of the preborn; the American genocide of almost a million preborn persons per year is over, and we now have an NH genocide of unknown proportions.

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Dave Wheeler cropped - original care of WMUR

Dave Wheeler is a Conservative Warrior!

This letter is in response to some false campaign literature recently distributed in the Executive Council District 5 primary race.  The campaign mailer in question insinuates that Dave Wheeler is NOT the Conservative he purports to be – that he is backed by Progressive groups such as Planned Parenthood and Open Borders.

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