
Lock Him Up? Did Chris Sununu Violate RSA 21-G:23 (Misuse of Position)?

Earlier this week, Steve broke the story about the Newfields ordinance, which was intended to stop protesting outside the home of Chris Sununu. Steve, in his post, noted that the following members of State-government were in attendance: Virtual Attendees: Matthew Broadhead – NH AG’s Office; Colonel Nate Noyes – Division of State Policy & Dept. … Read more

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Newfields, NH Ban on Residential Protests is Probably Illegal and Unconstitutional

UPDATED and BUMPED: See Update II, below

Steve pointed out that the Town of Newfields decided to create its own sense of a new Protected Class. They have outlawed protests in front of any home or dwelling (yeah, I know, a rather “broad” class but stick with me here).

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Newfields NH “Vigil” in Gov. Sununu’s Neighborhood Results in Fines and One Arrest [Updated]

A peaceful candlelight vigil in Gov. Sununu’s Newfields neighborhood resulted in multiple fines being issued and one alleged arrest. I guess we’ll find out if the new anti-‘picketing’ ordinance we reported on this morning is legal or not.

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Sun King Sununu

Newfields, NH Quietly Passes Ordinance Prohibiting Political Protests Outside Gov. Chris Sununu’s Home

If there’s reporting on this, I can’t find it, so I guess this is breaking news. Newfields, New Hampshire, where Republican Governor Chris Sununu lives, has passed an ordinance that makes it illegal to protest outside residential homes, including his.

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