Dear Friends, there is still time to send your email testimony to the House Municipal and County Government Committee to ask them to OPPOSE HB 586! The committee met this morning but hasn’t made a decision on whether to recommend passage (OTP) or recommend defeat (ITL) and is still taking testimony.
New Urbanism
Peterborough – SHUT UP (the “Proper Role of Government”). Perfect example of “Government over People”
So, our Founders decided to create a nation in which citizens had a government; what Kate Coons and Ivy Vann are doing is turning that upside down to have subjects for their Government. So after doing the videos, and having gotten that “strange” look (er, sour?) from Kate Coons when she asked about what I … Read more
Peterborough NH and “urban sprawl”
Tomorrow is Town Meeting Day in Peterborough and one of the hot items is Article 15. That is part and parcel of the kerfuffle that’s going on in town as the movement known as New Urbanism is taking hold – a function of the Progressive movement that, simply put, is to “rack’em and stack’em” in … Read more
And back to Peterborough we go – League of Women Voters trying to muck things up….again?
By Christopher Maidment Citizen Petition articles are likely nothing new to you, being good citizens of New Hampshire, but just in case, a citizen’s petition is when at least 25 citizens (under normal circumstances) gather signatures together and add an amendment to a town warrant. It’s a way of keeping the powers that be in … Read more