They May “Fight” Each Other On this Field …

It is impossible not to have a wave of patriotism and pride take over your body as you settle in for the annual Army-Navy Game. This year, it is even more special as the Cadets and Mid-Shipmen gather in Foxboro, Massachusetts, the home of the Original Patriots and the six-time Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots.

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When Failure Is More Than Just An Option

CA passes assisted suicide during suicide prevention week. Will the US Navy need an Uber for combat? Inconvenient facts about gender and combat. Did Clinton’s private server improve security? And giving High School Diploma’s out like a participation trophy.  

Don’t Think The Debt Matters, Think Again

We’re $16,000,000,000,000 in debt. Don’t think it matters?  Consider this: who owns the debt, and what is going to happen when they collect?  How are government programs going to remain funded when interest payments on the debt begins to siphon off those funds into coffers of the bondholders?  Ask yourself this question again after you’ve contemplated the return to the historical average interest rate and not the artificial rate we’ve been basking in.  “...from 1971 until 2012, the United States Interest Rate averaged 6.2 Percent…”,  but we’ve been enjoying rates less than 3% for what seems like five years.  The government borrows 40% of every dollar it spends in your name.  Imagine how great the interest payments will be on that borrowed money when we return to the historical average?  Think the interest rates will remain this low?

Permanence is fleeting.

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