“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
– President Obama, Colorado, July 2, 2008
When he first uttered those words, it seemed that only a few of us on the Right read those words and went “WHAT?”. After all, we were starting to learn about his connections to the New Left and other people holding Progressive to Marxist philosophies (what, like there’s much of a difference?). At the time, many on the Left, trying to be Obama apologists, went on and on about the intent was to increase programs like Vista and Americorps….and then it went dead. Then Gabby Gifford, Aurora, and Sandy Hook hit.
For quite some time, civilian shooters were finding ammo and guns hard to get – first, thinking that an incipient gun ban was going to be pushed through during Obama’s first term and then again near and right after November’s election, with people truly believing that NOW he would start his ban. After all, Progressives have this visceral hatred of both guns – and people who believe they have the right to defend themselves. After all, their reasoning goes, we all give up certain Rights to Government to have a government and they believe that one of them is our fundamental Right to defend ourselves, families, and property. As debra Saunders at Real Clear Politics puts it:
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