Surfing the net yesterday, I came across this title at Hot Air: Report confirms White House had advance knowledge of the NSBA’s ‘domestic terrorism’ letter and promised ‘we have your back’. The infamous Letter from the NSBA. The one that publicly declared that Parents are Domestic Terrorists. Steve wrote, when this came out in October, 2021:
Articles tagged as
National School Board Association
National School Board Association (NSBA) Loses 40% of Its Annual Funding After 17 States Sever Ties – But Do They Care?
I’m not sure who thought it was a good idea to label parents attending school board meetings as terrorists, but the National School Board Association (NSBA) has lost roughly $1.1 million in annual dues from states since the announcement.
So, after reading this, I asked my School Board last night if they think we are as well
All summer long, we’ve seen story after story of angry parents trying to get local School Boards to even just ACKNOWLEDGE that their concerns MATTER! That the stuff that schools are bringing in to indoctrinate their kids should NEVER have been in the schools in the first place. They just get ignored.