Transgender flag fist

Notable Quote – Another Adjective for “Transgender” is Narcissistic

Don’t believe me?  Try this one on for size (reformatted, emphasis mine): In a turn of events, Shannon revealed after 14 years of marriage, her husband met someone online who led him through a “medical transition.” Her husband also lost interest in partaking in certain activities with their children that he previously enjoyed doing. Furthermore, Shannon … Read more

Yesterday was my Mother’s 101st birthday…


…she made it to 99. We lost her almost two years ago.

Thanks for everything, Mom. I love you.

And so…that brings me to another subject.

Let’s talk about our society today. A society and culture in an age of narcissism….

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The evil hypocrisy of the “progressive” Left

Melanie Phillips: Journalist, author, sociological philosopher
Melanie Phillips: English journalist, author, sociological philosopher…and former Leftist

I can’t stand coercive statism. Neither can the lady on the left, it turns out. Slavery to the state these days is generally supported by left-wing hypocrites who champion their own self-aggrandizement while posing as “lovers of humanity.” The most murderous statists of all time—from Lenin to Stalin to Hitler to Mao to Ho Chi Minh to Fidel Castro—all claimed to love humanity, yet they created violent, tyrannical dictatorships. What motivates such people? English writer, sociological philosopher, and former Leftist Melanie Phillips explains it all:

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The Press response to the Naked Emperor…cover-up and deflection

And it has been going on for a long time: “Let’s talk a little media bias here. The media, I think, wants Kerry to win. And I think they’re going to portray Kerry and Edwards …as being young and dynamic and optimistic and all, there’s going to be this glow about them that some, is … Read more

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