Warren's Anti-Racism Plan is Collapsing

Warren’s Anti-Racism Plan is Collapsing

Socialist Elizabeth Warren’s anti-racism plan is collapsing. She now has a problem.  On her website she has an Anti-Racism Plan.  Now the minorities are leaving her campaign. In doing so they are shredding what little credibility she may have. Truth, we don’t need no damned truth She has never been what you would call enamored … Read more

NH House Republican Minority Announces “Leadership” Positions

Republicans limp into the next session of the New Hampshire Legislature in the minority where it will become vital for them to stick together. A strong united front (In the NH House) will do more to peel off the necessary Democrat votes than the bevy of Republican aisle crossers we’ve been plagued with these past few … Read more

Sometimes, the Left’s “stretching” of words just snaps…

Instapundit: He’s a “white Hispanic” – never heard of it before Zimmerman either.  But she – how DARE we white dudes disagree with a womyn American Indian minority.  Only the Left will bend the meaning of Political Correctness in amazing ways so as to save a “favored” identity group (not so ignore the attempted cloaking … Read more

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