As you may have read, outside the mainstream media, Michael LaSean Lewis, the “Florida Man” who voted on November 8, 2016 in Hooksett, NH has been arrested by Atlanta, GEORGIA Transit Police and is being extradited to NH for trial for unlawfully voting.
Michael LaSean Lewis
Ed Naile Gets His Man: NH AG Arrests Michael LaSean Lewis for Illegally Voting in New Hampshire
You can thank CNHT Chairman Ed Naile for the arrest of Michael LeSean Lewis. He did all the leg work on this and shared it on our pages. We’re not thanking the AG’s office; that was James O’Keefe’s good work. Embarrassing the crap out of that heel-dragging lot to get them to do something for a change.
One Non-Resident Voter Indictment Down – 5,000 More (Just from 2016) to Go!
Our old pal from November 8, 2016, Michael LaSean Lewis, was indicted by a Merrimack County grand jury this month for lack of a lawful NH domicile in our state when he showed up and voted, same-day style, in Hooksett during the 2016 General Election. Lewis was driving a Massachusetts registered rental car. The Coalition … Read more
We caught us a Fly-in Drive-by Voter!! [Updated]

When you are looking for “drive-by” voters this what you want to find:
-A guy with a name no one else in America has.
-His date of birth from several sources.
-Public documents with as much information as you can get.
What do you know? I Have all three.
Meet Hooksett, NH voter Michael LaSean Lewis.
I covered some of this story earlier but here goes in case you haven’t read about him.