When you are looking for “drive-by” voters this what you want to find:
-A guy with a name no one else in America has.
-His date of birth from several sources.
-Public documents with as much information as you can get.
What do you know? I Have all three.
Meet Hooksett, NH voter Michael LaSean Lewis.
I covered some of this story earlier but here goes in case you haven’t read about him.
Mr. Lewis was arrested for driving without a license in Hooksett, NH on November 8, 2016, about ten minutes after voting same-day in Hooksett – with no photo I.D. This means I have some public documents regarding Mr. Lewis. (Attachments to follow.)
Democrats in the Legislature, along with past Democrat Governors, have been working hard along with the NH Leagues of Women Voters and the NH ACLU to keep important information about a voter from the public. Layer after layer of laws stripping information from voter registration cards has been passed. Most of this information is public in other states. But not here. It leaves open the opportunity for lots of out of state voters like Mr. Lewis to steal your legal vote.
Mr. Lewis has been registered to vote in Georgia since 2013 and is, according to the Georgia website shown, an “active voter” in that state. (pg 1)
When Michael LaSean Lewis was arrested he had no valid license, but claimed, with two different addresses.
So how does a guy with no license, no ID, rent a car? That would be nice to know since Mr. Lewis was driving a Ma. registered rental and had just come from the airport – I am assuming the Manchester Airport.
And how does a guy get on a plane without photo I.D? I have no idea.
But voting in NH with no I.D., license, or real address is no problem what so ever – until you get caught!
Fulton County, Georgia is sending me his voting history. I should have that in a few days.
Now on to the other question:
What else was Mr. Lewis doing in Hooksett, NH on Election Day, November 8, 2016 without a driver’s license, in a rental car, fresh from the airport?
Linked documents