Citizens For Belknap - there I fixed it for ya!

A Letter to Editor (Laconia Daily Sun): A Response to Mike Kitch (7/12/22) Where He Tries to Drag NH State Rep Gregg Hough but Suffers a Faceplant.

Well, since Michael Kitch is seemingly starting a media barrage against the Conservative NH State Reps in the Belknap County Delegation (he has another LtE today and so does his ideological brother, sr. advisor to the Citizens for Belknap, I figured I should go to that battleground and correct the former Sun reporter. So I … Read more

Wolf sheep Original Photo by Den Cops on Unsplash

Erstwhile “Constitutional Reporter” Mike Kitch Is Back at It – Taking Potshots at Conservatives Who He Hates (Especially Me)

Michael Kitch has seemingly and openly assumed the mantle of “attack dog as he wrote a piece in the NH Business Review (who knew they supported Socialists?) in singing the praises of the new political hit PAC, “Citizens of Belknap.”

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So, Laconia Daily Sun reporter Mike Kitch is being called onto the carpet – again?

I’ve been posting on Mike Kitch for years now ever since he showed his true colors (more later) as being rather hostile to Conservatives (and not just to me).  He has argued or screamed at almost every Conservative in town (or failing that, had a snide remark or worse, outright bias in his writing). Now, I could be dismissed by “an honest to goodness Journalist” as yet  another blogger sitting around in his PJs.  However, I make it clear – I am biased as a Conservative with small “L” libertarian leanings and a strong emphasis on a Constitutional foundation and a morality base from being an Evangelical Christian (and have almost 6,500 posts showing so).  There, that’s me.  While we do some objective “Citizen Journalism” (e.g., our recording and posting of video, straight up the middle just as it happens and not as we would like to see it happen), we are an opinionated site (and I like it that way!); we make no apologies for our views (because we are Right!).

In today’s Laconia Daily Sun, it is obvious that Kitch has stepped into it again.  Someone else is complaining – and she matters even if I don’t (emphasis mine):

To the editor,

I have been perplexed by the one-sided reporting of our Belknap County Convention meetings dealing with the approval of the 2013 budget. At the conclusion of our Tuesday, March 19, 2013 meeting, a disrespectful and angry encounter with reporter Michael Kitch lifted the veil as to the slant of his biased reporting.

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Laconia Daily Sun’s “journalist” Mike Kitch decides to make sport of newly elected NH House Rep Mike Sylvia

I met Mike Sylvia a couple of years ago now.  Being a Big “L” Libertarian, his outlook on the size and role of Government is different than mine (not in direction but in a matter of degree; same page, different paragraph).  Which, however, puts him in the cross-hairs of the local Hobbessian believing scribbler Michael Kitch (not same page, not just different paragraph – a completely different book) who has a major problem with anyone that doesn’t acknowledge the Primacy of Government in the smallest affairs of individuals (lots of samples of similar behavior after the jump).  He has this thing for anyone that attacks his belief that only Big Government can maintain peace AND demand equality (including redistribution of political and financial capital).

Laconia Daily Sun Michael Kitch Makes Sport Of Michael Sylvia

Now in this case, reporting on how the Belknap County NH House reps voted on the rules that have now reversed the ability of people to protect themselves (and now have to rely on the State – a Liberal denial of the Right to self-defense), could Kitch just have reported the news (which would have been just the vote count)?  Sure.  Did he? Nope. He decided that he had to take a poke at Micheal Sylvia, who sits on the side of Natural Rights (including that of self-defense).  Did Kitch add anything of like manner from any of the Democrats?  Nope – not even a whisper (and I bet there would have been an opposing view).

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Scraping the bottom of the barrel, Progressives – their newest GOTV: “Rock the Slut Vote”

You Might Be A Slut GirlOy vay! Sluts-o-rama time again!  We’ve previously posted about the word “sluts” for a bit here (here, here, here, here, here, here), ever since Sandra Fluke decided that having others pay for those items that give her “freedom” to exercise her sexual activities (other peoples’ freedom to conscience, religious liberty, and the Right to their own Private Property not withstanding).

Well, this post by Steve should set the table for this current post, as once again, it is about voting sluts.  No, not a Slut political Party trying to be formed, or that Conservatives should be scared that Sluts are being rounded up to vote against them.  Rather, it is an aging boomer, trying to rally “sluts” a la the tired MTV ever present “Rock the Vote,” to sign up college kids to go vote against their own interests (in the long run).  I present “Rock the Slut Vote” (note the URL: WarOnWomen – catchy, eh?) with the tag line of  “We believe women who unite and vote will rock the world.”

But only if you are a slut? After the jump is a list, a la Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a redneck if” on who is a slut.  Yikes!

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You know, it would be good to get it right, Mr. Kitch

Yesterday was a “day off from work / a day of blogging activities” for me as I had promised a lady in our town, Barbara Aichinger,  to video record a Supervisor of the Checklist hearing.  The back story is just before our local election last month, local Democrat activist and public employee  Joe “No Show” Wernig decided on a crass political stunt and accuse her of not being eligible to vote here in town.  Which,  as it turns out, meant that she could not run for office to. More on this later (full video of the hearing is here at the ‘Grok’s “little sister” blog I keep just for local activities) and in my opinion, an attempt to silence a strong voice that advocates for exactly for everything that Wernig stands for: smaller government, less taxes, and more personal liberty.  Why else call a press conference when issuing a voter challenge based on flimsy Internet based information?

Well, two of the local pro-scribblers showed up; Michael Kitch from the Laconia Daily Sun filed his report and did a decent job (after having a “discussion” with Barbara, but that’s for another post) but got something wrong:

David “Skip” Murphy, who video recorded the session for his blog — Granite Grok — upon learning that Miller’s services cost the town $160 per hour wondered if there was any means of compelling Wernig, who has complained about the cost of frivolous litigation to the town, to foot the bill.

“No,” said Miller. “There is no recourse.”

Er, no.  This is why one brings a recording device to such an event – as he got this part of the my “public input” absolutely wrong:

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