Muslim Assimilation… Part 1 of 4

Muslim immigrants self-ghettoize. Even in a very politically correct (PC) Europe the leftists have noticed this. They segregate; they do not attempt to become European. There is no assimilation. Why does this happen? Mohammed and the Quran are the simple answer. So, what does it tell us? Islam is superior in its own world view… Islam … Read more

Islam Requires You to Submit

Muhammad preached in Mecca for 13 years converting about 150 people to Islam. Then he moved to Medina becoming a politician and war lord. In the first two years at Medina, every Jew was murdered, enslaved or exiled. Once in Medina, on average about every six weeks, Muhammad and his followers were involved in an … Read more

My Buddy Ed “Nailes” Middle East Policy.

My friend Ed Naile, blogger at NH Insider, and Chairman of the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, in a recent blog post titled I’ve Been Working On My Own Middle East Policy!, posits a solution to the problem of Muslim extremist attacks on Americans wherever they may be.

If we are going to deal with Islamists on a regular basis like we have since 1805 or so, maybe we should use some tactics that may be more on their level of understanding, like Thomas Jefferson did.

If by accident or by mistake some Korans get burned and it results in week long riots and murder of Americans, then apologize like hell about the Korans.

And when it comes to Islamic terrorists killing Americans WE should go nuts.

How about some huge marches on American cities objecting to any slight against an American? (Photo shop the marches, they will never figure it out.)

Open up some silos, arm some fighter jets, float a battleship up next to some coveted object, bomb some power plants, harbors, refineries, dams, or other modern structures real Islamists don’t really need in the first place.

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