US Senator Kamala “Toes Up” Harris: Silence Trump on Twitter.

by Skip

Yet another Democrat / Socialist demanding that their opponent be deplatformed and silenced.  Why is it that the Cancel Movement is almost exclusively driven by those on the Left? …his Twitter account should be suspended. I think there is plenty, of now, evidence to suggest that he is irresponsible with his words in a way … Read more

Sidecar buddies

by Tom

How do you become a US Senator, then subsequently alienate the entire base of true conservatives in your home state? You do this… Disappointment at every turn.

Ayotte, McCain, Graham and Rand Paul’s Filibuster

by Don

It seems like such a simple question.  Can the President just kill anyone he wants, based on any criteria he wants, on American soil even if the person is no immediate threat to anyone?  And since this question began related to using drones, the question is really, can the President kill someone, and anyone who happens to be nearby the targetted person, even if there is no immediate or imminent threat to anyone?

What does it mean when it takes SIX WEEKS of questions and a HIGHLY PUBLICIZED FILIBUSTER to get an answer to the question?

What is equally frustrating is the fact that 87 Senators apparently don’t care that the President and his administration have dipped and dodged and misinterpreted answering this question.  What is really disappointing is that our Senator Ayotte apparently doesn’t seem to care.  What was repugnant were the reactions of Senators McCain and Graham to the filibuster.

I think it is appropriate to let our representatives know how you feel about their actions.  Hopefully others have also written them.  My e-mails  follow.  I am not particularly happy about these as they are not very constructive, but they express how I feel.  I suspect these letters will not make it to the Senators.

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Hypocrisy…the Duality in ‘Americur

by Tom


Drones in the Middle East, drones on American soil, Libya coup d’etat support, Egypt insurgency weapons support, Syria coup support.

Sounds like the first term of Mephistopheles himself (Dick Cheney), right?

The American Left has no soul.  Period.  Watching some of the reaction to Rand Paul’s filibuster last week, it is now perfectly clear that the Left’s rhetoric and protest about “Bush’s War” was only about Bush and against the Right; it had nothing to do with principle, liberty, or right and wrong.  That’s the problem with the Left – particularly the Far Left – they blindly follow memes (social and political) and they criminally ignore malfeasance from their own team.

Funny thing is, though…

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