McAllen Texas City Seal

“Compassionate” Open-Borders Democrats are Destroying Their Majority in South Texas

There is little good to report on the Southern Border, and even Democrats are having second thoughts. Biden’s approval among Hispanics in South Texas has crashed as the Biden-Harris Border policy overwhelms local communities.

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A Spec of Common Sense in McAllen Texas

McAllen Texas- City shelves the plastic bag banMcAllen Texas rests in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas, right along the border with Mexico.  And for now, at least, McAllen is not hopping on the plastic bag ban train to nowhere.

If you have not been following my recent (bizarre and persistent) interest in this annoy environmental stupidity, towns and cities all over the US are banning what are called “single use” plastic grocery bags (which my family re-uses for all kinds of things so single use is misleading).    The Los Angels California bag ban was what caught my attention–and Lord knows if those moon-bats are on board with it something must be wrong; and there was, or actually is something very wrong.   See “What could go wrong?“, ‘Reusable bags spread norovirus’,  and “Reusable bags may be worse for the Environment.”

Unfortunately,  most of the discussion about bag bans is one-sided.  Or should I say left-sided.

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