I doubt you’ll see this on doubleyouemyouare:

“CO State Rep. Diana DeGette (D) “I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been … Read more

First New Yorkers, and now those in Connecticut

by Skip

Well, it looks like the Esteemed Leaders in Connecticut have decided that they can no longer trust law-abiding citizens with what are standard capacity magazines for modern sporting rifles (AR-15s):

Connecticut lawmakers announced a deal Monday on what they called some of the toughest gun laws in the country that were proposed after the December mass shooting in the state, including a ban on new high-capacity ammunition magazines like the ones used in the massacre that left 20 children and six educators dead.

The proposal also called for background checks for private gun sales and a new registry for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets, something of a compromise for parents of Newtown victims who had wanted an outright ban on them, while legislators had proposed grandfathering them into the law.

The package also creates what lawmakers said is the nation’s first statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales and expansion of Connecticut’s assault weapons ban.

PMagReally, and how many gun owners are going to come in to register their magazines? How is law enforcement supposed to know how many mags someone really has? Are you, Connecticut politicians,  going to be like that Politician in Washington State that would have a Sheriff come and inspect gun owners’ homes unannounced and without warrants to ensure compliance with this infringement (“er, just here to see if you are storing your guns safely – because we don’t trust you to do it right”)?

How far this country has fallen when those that govern us:

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Will Terie Norelli And The Democrats Try To Ban My Refrigerator?

My Fridge has a modified magzine in it
Will Demcrats try to ban my ‘Fridge because its got a modified magazine in it?

I think it is appropriate to add this picture (right) to Susan Olsen’s post.  The one with the Journalist’s Guide To Firearm’s Identification.’

This is my refrigerator door.  It was modified by the manufacturer to accommodate an extra magazine capable of holding all manner of ‘lethal’ ordinance.  Soda.  Beer.  Water, in those earth destroying plastic bottles, paid for with a plastic card, slid through a device made of plastic, carried home in plastic shopping bags and yes…that fridge door modification is made of plastic.

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