Candlelight candle flame Photo by Jarl Schmidt on Unsplash

New Rules From Biden’s Ministry of Visible Radiation Could Leave Poor People In the Dark

A little while back, during the Rule of Barak I – may he live restlessly in his propane-backup-powered sea-level mansion – his Czars made waves about the light bulbs you should be allowed to use. They preferred the curly ones from China with the poisonous mercury inside.

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Lamp light light bulbs

Trump’s Bright Idea for Bulbs – Light ‘Em If You Got ‘Em

From the days when G.W. Bush wasted his majority, the feds got an itch to tell you what sort of light bulbs you should use. Obama made the mandate worse. But Mr. Trump is rolling it all back. His strategy? Light ’em if you got ’em.

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CFL’s May Cause Cancer?

cfl-bulb-dangerousA study released last Summer by Stony Brook University – “The Effects of UV Emission from CFL Exposure on Human Dermal Fibroblasts and Keratinocytes in Vitro,”  (published in the June issue of the journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology)– suggests that compact fluorescent light bulbs release dangerous amounts of UV rays that create a serious health risk.

STONY BROOK, NY, July 18, 2012 – Inspired by a European study, a team of Stony Brook University researchers looked into the potential impact of healthy human skin tissue (in vitro) being exposed to ultraviolet rays emitted from compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.

Two days ago I laid out a long list of problems with compact flourescents, some health related but mostly practical objections, but only touched on the implied health risks of simply turning them on.  This university report makes some startling observations.

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More Trouble Than They Are Worth

This would have to be filed away as a classic, not just because of its age–it’s a few years old–but because it reminds us of why we don’t want congress and congressman, working–and the busy-body ruling class in general–spending too much time in the swamp.  They cause more problems than they solve.     (Another … Read more

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