Is the Liberty-&-Freedom wing of the NH GOP a paper tiger?

PamTucker head image
Pam Tucker: Smart, feisty, tough. Doesn't like socialists, either.

Not really…but they sure as hell were AWOL at the New Hampshire GOP State Committee meeting on April 14, 2012.

As the meeting opened, there were 366 members reported present.

The big election battle was for National Committeewoman between Rep. Pam Tucker and Juliana Bergeron. Pam Tucker was the Liberty-&-Freedom (aka Tea Party) candidate, while Ms. Bergeron was the “establishment” nominee (for want of a better term).

The election was held late in the meeting. When the smoke cleared…

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New Hampshire L&F Republicans to Democrats and other socialists: “We’re here, we’re clear, get used to it.”

One of the largest groups within the New Hampshire GOP is the “Liberty and Freedom” or “L&F” Republicans. This increasingly vocal and effective sub-coalition includes  movement conservatives, libertarian conservatives, free enterprisers, TEA Partiers, and yes, social conservatives. What each group has is common is the crucial centrality of individual liberty versus ever-growing government power.

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Old Establishment Scared…The Liberty Wing Needs To Double Down –

I just happen to know who thinks they are in charge. I know who pulled the levers that lead to the establishment coup. I’m just working out the details, putting the time line together. Chasing the money. It may take days or even weeks, but I’ll get it all worked out. and I will share it with you. I’m patient like that.

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