So When Will Democrats Start Calling Me A Free Stater?

Free State - Seeking Liberty not left wing narrativesAll Democrats have narratives.  New Hampshire Democrats are no different.  The typical left wing narrative is designed to brain wash you by using the media to repeat the latest chest-beating tantrum, using sound bites, puff pieces, editorials, and press releases, to create a long term perception disguised as truth.  Did I mention that New Hampshire Democrats are no different?

There is a new narrative in New Hampshire.  This narrative infers that, despite the Democrats own treacherous policy record they are still a better gamble than those other people who are just plain scary.  Really scary.  Extremists.  Those… Free Staters.

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Will Libertarians Help Obama Win Re-election?

It is rumored that Governor Gary Johnson might consider a third party run as the Libertarian candidate.  Given that a center right GOP electorate will not be nominating Ron Paul, and Ron Paul seems to have enough sense not to split the party himself, a Johnson third party run presents some interesting possibilities, including the likely reelection of Barack Obama and the knock out punch to the America the Libertarians swear they are defending.

Even if Johnson is right to argue that he has been ignored by the media is having a hissy fit really the answer?  There is no third party electoral victory in America and only an arrogant fool would think otherwise.  The Best hope we have is to continue taking over the GOP and replacing its moderate leadership from below.

But I think the elites in the liberty movement are too impatient for incremental change. Many of the "principled" libertarians are so possessed of their own agenda that they would split the vote giving Obama and the czars four more years of liberty destroying power, rather than elect any other Republican as a stop gap until they can make further in-roads into the party establishment.

A Johnson third party run could be the best thing to happen to Obama since the Media.

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Old Establishment Scared…The Liberty Wing Needs To Double Down –

I just happen to know who thinks they are in charge. I know who pulled the levers that lead to the establishment coup. I’m just working out the details, putting the time line together. Chasing the money. It may take days or even weeks, but I’ll get it all worked out. and I will share it with you. I’m patient like that.

I’d Like To Thank New Hampshire’s Establishment Republicans

DTtanks for the knife in the backespite the attitude and priorities of the more moderate-establishment (r)epublicans, and the snooty first family-checkbook wielding-GOP aristocracy in New Hampshire, the conservative/liberty movement shied away from running third party races in 2010.   They did not split the party, or run as independents, though a few establishment (r)epublicans who lost their primaries did.

Instead, the liberty/conservative movement embraced shared interests and invested themselves in getting Republicans elected.  They offered both time and money, worked sign-waves and phone banks, and helped hand the NHGOP super-majorities in the legislature, to win the entire executive council, two congressional seats, a US Senate seat, and the closest race for governor Comrade Lynch has yet seen.

Part of that success was the tireless work of one Jack Kimball.  After the primary, Jack wasn’t even running for anything, yet he was running everywhere for everyone, committed to getting the Republicans elected whether he agreed with all of their policy positions or not.  His reward was the chairmanship of the State party, duly elected by the voting members.  But a few weeks before that vote, then GOP chair Sununu, while ignoring his own pro-establishment and media bomb throwers, had this to say.

Sununu said he was “a little bit disappointed about some of the divisive comments that have been made by some of Jack’s supporters. That is not the way to bring the party together and it does Jack a disservice because it gives the impression that his support is coming from people who would rather divide than unite. 

Chairman John Sununu, January of 2011 – Granite Status.

These are the words of someone convinced of their own supremacy.  The establishment wins, and look, we were all about unity, so that the liberty movement–the losers, could continue to toe the party line and help us win landslide elections.  The End.

Oops. That didn’t happen.  What did happen is the bitter GOP Establishment lost and decided to take democracy and unity on a trip through the Orwellian reassignment machine.

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