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Notable Quote – John Tierney

by Skip

Higgs sees government, as usual, vastly expanding during the crisis, and he’s sure that it will not shrink back to its former scale once the crisis is over. It never does, as he famously documented in his 1987 book, Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government, and in later works exploring this … Read more

Publicly Funded EPA Man Caves

Escher Boxes- by Jud Guitteau

As Skip posted the other day regarding yet more IRS abuses, “…yet another reason WHY the Progressive ‘Larger Government is a Bigger Government’ is just so much hooey. Too many dark corners for malfeasance.”

Too many dark corners for malfeasance indeed, and these corners connect walls of corridors, cubicles, offices, warehouses… and Man Caves. Yes, Man Caves. You know, a sanctuary where males dwell peacefully while watching a game or video and nursing a beer, and maybe, occasionally, if we must, talk with friends.

Several Man Caves have been discovered occupying a 70,000 square-foot EPA warehouse.

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