george washington quote on arms

Presidents’ Day – Much More than Just a Three-Day Weekend!

George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are arguably the two greatest leaders in the history of the United States. Two great Presidents. Two great Americans. For many years, we would come together as a nation and celebrate each of their respective birthdays.

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Blogline of the Day – Governor Sununu: Antifa over Church

Emphasis mine: …Sununu is not the only governor who is keeping his state locked down while supporting Black Lives Matter and Antifa rallies that blatantly violate bans on large group gatherings. …If that’s all a little confusing to you, then I’m glad I’m not the only one bemused here. These governors seem to be saying … Read more

Another Obama Legacy Ruined: “Virus” Sells More Guns in a Single Week Than Barry

Barack Obama gotta be bumming. First Trump unravels most of his “signature achievements” and now this? “March 16 to March 22 also took top honors in volume for a seven-day period, when nearly 1.2 million NICS checks were performed.

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Obama Middle Finger

Another Knee-Jerk Reaction from Obama Who Suffers from a Severe Case of Shaky Legacy Syndrome

The Bamster has had a rough few years. All his so-called signature achievements have been or are being rolled back or unraveled by his successor. It’s enough to make a narcissist like Barack Obama go crazy with the narratives.

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Always the credit with this one (and the “I, me, and mine” schtick”)

Bless his heart… (H/T: Powerline)

Obama Says Benghazi is a ‘Wild Conspiracy Theory’

Barack Obama likes attention, so he got up the other day and said stuff to get him some.

“But over the past few decades, the politics of division and resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican party,” Obama said.

Obama then attacked Republican members of Congress, accusing them of embracing “wild conspiracy theories like those surrounding Benghazi.”

He got some.

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Legacy – Obama, on being erased

Obama pencil Trump eraser

In my last post, I said Obama had done his work “on the cheap.” While some of his “transformation of America” was legislative (like Obamacare), much of it was simply by Executive Order. That’s good only until some other President decides to rescind it. Of course, all of the Obamanauts are complaining madly about this. How DARE Trump act this way. Well, that’s why he was elected, buckos, to reverse what Obama and his minions did.

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For the most transformational President EVAH

Hoisted by his own petard promise – how appropriate.  This is what happens when you do your Presidency “on the cheap”. (H/T: Powerline)

Gregory Hicks Supported Hillary and Obama

According to his attorney, one of the men “speaking truth to power” on Benghazi (Gregory Hicks) is a registered Democrat who supported Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primary, then later voted for Barack Obama.  Twice.

And why wouldn’t he be?  He was the deputy chief of mission in Libya before Chris Stevens was executed by terrorists at which point he became the chief of mission. You’d expect him to be a Democrat.

Hick’s attorney Victoria Toensing, shared those details in an interview with NBC News, set to air before the hearings took place last week, but NBC was more interested in selling a partisan spin and spiked that part of the story.

This is not surprising but it begs some further consideration.

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Notable Quote – Thomas Paine

Another thought worth remembering; Thomas Paine wrote in his Revolutionary pamphlet, The American Crisis: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” … Read more

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