Brodie Deshaies with 4 wheeler

OK, Another Bright Spot in Yesterday’s Primary Election – Hey, Brodie DeShaies!

Yep, he of the poor voting/legislative record and union shill “laundering” that union PAC money to others.  Getting endorsed by Democrats isn’t a good look either. And thus, the voters of Wolfeboro looked past him: Once again, not a great thing to be the third man in a two-man race. Yet another ambitious young politician … Read more

Brodie Deshaies with 4 wheeler

RINO Report: Brodie Deshaies and John MacDonald

This is the first in a series that will put the spotlight on some RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to defeat in the upcoming primary. Do you live in Wolfeboro or Tuftonboro? If so, then you can help remove two of the worst RINOs from the NH House. The primary for State Rep in Carrol county district … Read more

Liberty Ballot – Announcing Second Round of Election 2022 Recommendations

Liberty Ballot will make multiple rounds of recommendations for the 2022 New Hampshire Republican Primary. In the second round, Liberty Ballot recommends Jose Cambrils, Elizabeth Ferreira, Michael Sylvia, Doris Hohensee, Larry Borland, and Katy Peternel for State Representative.

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Larry Borland

I Am A Pro-liberty Republican Running For The NH House Representatives

I am Larry Borland from Wolfeboro and I am running on the Republican ticket in the September primary for the New Hampshire House of Representatives for Carroll Co. District 6 (Wolfeboro & Tuftonboro).

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