“Without initiative, leaders are simply workers in leadership positions.” Bo Bennett 


In a letter to French Scientist Jean-Baptiste Le Roy in November of 1789, Benjamin Franklin quipped those ever long-enduring and famous words, “[B]ut in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes … ” It would appear Franklin had not contemplated the certainty of blow-hard political hacks and self-aggrandizing opportunists.

Upon Seeing the Union Leader Headline Tuesday, “Gov. Lynch will leave office very popular, and for good reason“, and who the author was,  predictable is the litany and diatribe that follows. And, with the whole and complete certainty of death and taxes, the “Shrill Kathy” hath delivered. In the 779-word bloviation, the “Shrill Kathy” delivered a mere 199 words extolling Lynch’s virtues and reserved the remaining 580 words for her usual and expected attack on Republicans, checkered with a contrast and comparison-like tone…Make no mistake about it…Lynch’s announcement, as with most other political events, is a mere pretext for her visera.

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