Jim Morgan

Isn’t he just a SPECIAL sort of Stupid: Jim Morgan

Yes, we get tips from time to time (actually, more and more often) and this one is a special sort of amusing. However, to set the stage and remind you of some important history, let’s start with these:

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Sigh: And an NH GOP Town Chair supports a Democrat

Yep, it’s almost like the NH GOP hates itself, right? Why would they keep allowing this to happen? Why would a Town Chair think he wouldn’t get caught? Reformatted, emphasis mine:

WINDHAM — The head of the Windham Republican Committee, who hopes to win a seat in the state House of Representatives in the Nov. 6 election, has resigned from his leadership role following a controversial endorsement of a Democratic candidate in the race for Rockingham County Commissioner. On Sept. 30, Joel Desilets used his personal Facebook page to endorse Derry’s Joshua Bourdon, praising him for serving “with the utmost character” as a Derry town councilor. Desilets wrote that Bourdon “will bring integrity to the office as our next county commissioner.” He asked voters to “please consider him for your vote.”

And the reason for this same on same betrayal?  Sounds like political revenge on the part of Joel Desilets – and he played it like a bumbling fool. He sounded like a schmuck as Mike and I  videoed a candidate night (NH State House Representative) in Windham – now he’s removed all doubt:

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