I recently posted a list of questions (see below) to ask your local school board to determine what exactly they plan on teaching your children on race relations.
Jim O’Connell
Response To Manchester Board of School Committee Member Jim O’Connell
Hey, Jimbo (This guy.) – you lying, bloated, reality-detached bag of gas – you received my genuine concerns, presented “rationally,” in March when I filed my complaint to HR and provided it to the entire Board of School Committee. You replied, saying that you would review everything, and then never replied again.
Jim O’Connell Attacks Parents Concerned Over School Transgender Student Policy
At-Large Manchester School Board member Jim O’Connell, a Democrat, is lashing out and lying to parents about a policy the board recently adopted on transgender students.
Proposed Manchester School Transgender Policy Opens Bathrooms, Locker Rooms and Sports to the Opposite Sex, Keeps Parents in the Dark
The Manchester Board of School Committee will take up a proposed policy on transgender students at its meeting on Monday, January 25, 2021. (Starts on page 26 of the agenda.) On a 4 to 1 vote, the policy was approved by the board’s Committee on Policy on January 12, 2021.
Manchester Charter Question: A Backdoor to School Board Taxing Authority
The question asking Manchester voters to amend the city charter seems simple enough. It reads as follows: SHALL THE CITY OF MANCHESTER APPROVE THE THE CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT SUMMARIZED BELOW CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE SECTION 8.03 PERIODIC REVIEW (a) Not less than once every ten (10) years the board of mayor and aldermen shall cause the … Read more
So Manchester Board of School Committee Jim O’Connell, do YOU know how to close the Achievement Gap without more spending?
Money doesn’t cure all ills. MANCHESTER Jim O’Connell now sits on the Board of School Committee. His claim to fame has been his constant call for MORE SPENDING in the schools (see screencap, below). He put out a statement on racism in the Manchester schools so I thought I’d send him a reply: I’m going to … Read more