GrokTALK! – 9am -11am, Saturday December 11th, 2010

Yes It’s GrokTALK!  120 minutes of Live Streaming local and National News with political insight you could ONLY get from   On this week’s Program… Author Jim Peschke  will be in studio with us to discuss his book The Michael Letters Jennifer Horn may give us her thoughts on some NH-GOP related issues GraniteGrok … Read more

What The…?

Did anyone happen to notice the names bandied about in this Weeks Granite Status for the job of New Hampshire GOP state chairman? John DiStaso mentions Jim Bender again, who I was told is not as interested as people think (always subject to change depeneding on whom you are speaking to); Jennifer Horn–who is getting nudged by the more conservative/libretarian elements along with Ovide Lamontagne who was an early favorite with the new Republicans; and then there’s Juliana Bergeron and Jim Foley–both of whom are (as far as I can tell) from the Fergus Cullen wing of the party.

Primary Night (scratch that) “Morning After” Update

The initial indications showing Frank Guinta with the lead have continued as the evening has developed but the race tightened with Rich Ashooh closing to withing a small percentage.  In the end Guinta prevailed with Sean Mahoney–who conceded early coming in third place. The Ovide/Kelly race is so close it still has not been called. … Read more

Getting Desperate?

This is interesting.  After reading comments in various groups the consensus seems to be that it is clearly an issues ad but that it smells distinctly of left wing attack-tics.   Watch it, and compare it to this, and see if you think Mr. Giuda is stretching the facts and does it make him appear desperate? … Read more

Why Not Bob Giuda?

As one of the leaders of the NHRCV I played a part along with our tireless leader Kevin McHugh when our membership voted to endorse Jennifer Horn late last year.  We here at the Grok have endorsed Jennifer and yes I had a hand in that as well.  And since then a few libertarians–Bob Giuda’s core of support–have tried to have their way with us on our selection.  I think that’s great and I encourage it.  But I thought it appropriate to offer something of a rebuttal–which happens to be one of the single biggest reason why I chose Jen Horn over Bob.

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Swett Turns A Phrase


In a recent email to supporters Katrina Swett puts a new spin on the thousand pound gorilla in the room.  The gorilla is the economy and K-Swett appears to have looked to the east for inspiration.  She also spelled the word “lose” wrong.  Figure out where yourself I have a blog to write. 

The new turn of phrase, and we could be seeing this rebranding from all the debt-o-crats in the very near future because they to spin things, is to ‘rebalance the economy.’  “Rebalance the economy?”  (As in less government more freedom?)  Not exactly.  In Ms. Swett’s application she would like to rebalance the economy so that it works for us not just big corporations.  Oh, see it’s those big corporations again.    

Funny thing but this is exactly how the UK’s liberal democrats are using it.  They’ve had this plan to use the government to rebalance the relationship between the people and small and big business in the hope that quaint little shops will compete better and who knows, perhaps even sprout up like mushrooms on Britain’s debt ridden ass.  The means of such fairness appear to be to tax the big shops more.  Rebalancing ala Obama’s spread the wealth around a bit?

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