Vedika Gopa

Shouldn’t the Campaign Manager for Democrat Jenn Alford-Teaster Be Voting in New York – Where She Is a Legal Resident?

Shouldn’t the campaign manager for Jenn Alford-Teaster be voting in New York – where she is a legal resident – not NH? From the recent Absentee ballot requests from Manchester Ward 1:

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Dem Senate Candidate – Clueless Act #2

First we have a photo of her dancing on a Veterans’ Memorial, now she’s placed a sign in a location that violates NH RSA 664:17, regulating the placement of political advertising – creating a serious traffic hazard (police report filed). “State-owned rights-of-way – political advertising is allowed as long as the advertising does not obstruct the … Read more

Hyphenated and Tone Deaf

Here we have a photo of Democrat candidate for NH State Senate (District 8), Jenn Alford-Teaster dancing on the graves of veterans in Hillsborough, NH. She tweeted this photo after some campaigning there last week.  How tone-deaf do you have to be to NOT grasp the significance of the sacred spot you are standing, not … Read more

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