On August 25th, 2023, a group of approximately 100 gathered in Concord to demand a federal investigation into the cover-ups of abuse at the Youth Detention Center. They blamed the Attorneys General and others for the cover-ups. They are right.
Articles tagged as
Jane Young
The US Attorney Isn’t Interested in Obscenity or Grooming in Public Schools
A New Hampshire Resident sent a letter of concern to the US Attorney in Concord New Hampshire. It happens to be Jane Young, who will not be a stranger to our readers. In the letter, the resident asks, about child exploitation.
Injustice in NH State Courts Now Guarantees Injustice with NH Federal Prosecutions – Conflicts of Interest Rule
In November 2021 Geoffrey Ward, assistant Attorney General – after Gordon MacDonald moved up to the position of New Hampshire’s Supreme Court Chief Justice – deleted the files of approximately 28 police officers whose names were on the Laurie List.
How Much Is the State of New Hampshire Hiding to Get Away with Gross Misconduct?
In 2003, Carlene Hempel wrote an article in Boston.com about New Hampshire’s top sex crimes police detective, James F McLaughlin.