The US Attorney Isn’t Interested in Obscenity or Grooming in Public Schools

A New Hampshire Resident sent a letter of concern to the US Attorney in Concord New Hampshire. It happens to be Jane Young, who will not be a stranger to our readers. In the letter, the resident asks, about child exploitation.

“I’m writing to make sure the DOJ is aware of the child exploitation and obscene content that exists in our K-12 schools in NH and around the country.”


The US Attorney, Jane Young, responds,


I am in receipt of your correspondence sent to our office on January 10, 2023. On behalf of the United States Attorney, I am writing to inform you that your allegations do not provide an adequate basis to commence a federal criminal investigation or prosecution at this time.


US Attorney Young then explains that her office “is not a law enforcement agency and does not conduct its own criminal investigations.” And maybe it is not, but now I’m going to have to figure out what the media means when it says this or that the US Attorney’s office (like, say, the southern district of New York) is investigating this or that alleged illegality.

I think we can say without error that the material that the author contends is dangerous to kids is being moved across state lines, either physically or electronically. This would make it federal as if it were the product of some anti-vaxxer insulting  Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.

This is, of course, New Hampshire, and Jane Young’s letter is a safe stand to take. The odds that anyone is going to investigate grooming or any sexualization of children here are unlikely. Not if it will embarrass the Granite State Elites. Why do you think Ghislaine Maxwell chose the Granite State as a place to hide?

If there were a way for the Granite State Elites to make it work for them, sure, they’d be all over it, but otherwise, no.

Anyway, here is the entire letter to the US Attorney’s office in Concord and the response from that office. Take it as you will or for what it is worth and as always, feel free to reply in comments or send us an op-ed.



“I’m writing to make sure the DOJ is aware of the child exploitation and obscene content that exists in our K-12 schools in NH and around the country.” I’m seeing serious dangers in my kids’ online Sora Student Library App and other apps like it. Our public school uses Spotify which also poses a legitimate danger to students.

Spotify is the easiest trap for students to fall into. All they have to do is mistakenly put in 2 commas (or more) into their search bar. Doing that search brings up recordings of sex and child abuse. Offenders can share content with children that is graphically inappropriate. I was quickly listening to someone having an orgasm. Our kids are aware of this. This two comma  “glitch” has already been exposed on social media. Please open a Spotify account and test this for yourself. Scroll down and see what is really available to listen to when you put in 2 commas (or many commas). I stopped on something with orgasm in the title. And that is what I heard, a recording of a foreign woman pleasing herself. That’s not exactly what I want my kids listening to while they are at school. I know there is much worse to listen to (and share with offenders through the app) but I stopped there. I left you a screenshot of what comes up when I do the search. This can’t remain. It’s unsafe for students. They can be legitimately exploited through this app. As I research, I’m seeing several videos of ways kids can get exploited through Spotify. If nothing else, schools around the country should be warned of these dangers. Kids are at risk.

I would also like to inform you about the Sora Student Library App. I have found a dozen or so books that I feel contain illegal sexually explicit obscene content. Even worse, I found links for kids to adult dating sites for sex. I found it to be quite exploitative to children.

Let me explain. Many schools around my state use what is called the Sora Student Library App’s “The New Hampshire Shared Collection”. This library collection of online books contains hyperlinks to adult dating apps, child pornography, obscene adult content  and images inappropriate for children. Most seriously it has dangerous hyperlinks to unwanted sites such as and the author’s direct contact information. That sounds great until you suspect the author is a sex offender chatting with your kids. The embedded hyperlink to is found in the area of the kid’s book that is entitled “How Sex Apps Work”. I’m not kidding. Watch my video. It’s about a minute long.

I worked as a sex offender counselor and have experience in calling out sexual boundary violations and criminal behavior. I know the harms that can result from early childhood sexual abuse and grooming from adults. I understand the impact of that embedded hyperlink. I know how widely this book is distributed through this app. The likelihood of at least one kid connecting to adults (for sex) through this link is high. And highly illegal I’d hope.

I’m aware that the NH Board of Education has notified the NH Attorney General’s Office that inappropriate content has been found. I pray it’s being taken seriously. I hope you contact Frank Edelblut, the Director of the NH Board of Ed, and the NH AG’s Office so everyone can work together to remedy this. I believe this is against our federal and state obscenity laws.

The most serious danger within this app is how our students are being hyperlinked to adults for sex. The video is an example of how some books just shouldn’t be available to our kids through student apps. I don’t believe parents want this book in the library with this embedded hyperlink. This book doesn’t educate what we strive to teach. Our Sex Ed curriculum does not include this book because we already have better. Circumventing the NH laws around curriculum, and putting this book in the library with an award on the front, is pretty sneaky. “This Book Is Gay” is advertised to the children when they open their app. It shows up in several different advertised sections in Sora. The Sora Student Library app is available to 53,000 school districts around the country. They may not all carry the same books, but “This Book Is Gay” (with the Match hyperlink) is widely distributed.  Tens of thousands of students are at risk.

Imagine going through the award winning section of your children’s library and finding it was almost all obscene sexualized content, like Grindr instructions? It’s eye opening when you really start to look. The award winning sections in Sora’s “NH Shared Collection” are the most explicit.

Our kids are legitimately getting exploited through the school’s apps. Blockers don’t help when the app itself is the problem. It’s distributing the inappropriate content as if it’s educational, when really it’s exploitation and porn. I hope you see these legitimate risks to our students and take some action. Again, if nothing else, warn schools that these dangers exist. Many have no idea and trust their online libraries without checking.

Here are a few resources if you wish to see what’s going on regarding books in schools.

NH Law:

 A PICO Analysis regarding the federal law:

I appreciate your attention to this matter.

Respectfully submitted,




Jane Young US Attorney response to Letter on porn in schoolsduty letter 1-17-2023


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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