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Fifteen Years After Another Climate Tipping Point Speech…

The Climate Cult’s illuminating lights have clearly defined for us what the ‘Change’ in Climate Change means. They will change anything about the narrative to keep the fear alive (and the money flowing), even when it makes them look like idiots in the process.

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snow and ice glacier, arctic

A look at the Climate Cult’s Expert Fraudster in Chief – No, Not Al Gore, an actual “Scientist.”

James Hansen is the scientist’s scientist when it comes to Climate. From his perch, at NASA, he’s been leading “the consensus” since the late ’70s. Leaping from “we’re doomed to freeze” to “we’re doomed to boil.” And don’t forget about the Climate Cult’s diluvial fantasy. The story of the great flood that generations from now (or … Read more

30-Years Ago James Hansen Started Government-Made Global Warming

“One must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.” – UN Climate Expert Ottmar Edenhofer

Thirty years ago (the day before yesterday) James Hansen and Sen. Tim Wirth sabotaged the air conditioner in the room where Hansen would be providing testimony on ‘Global Warming.’ The day of (thirty years ago yesterday) was of the hottest days in one of the hottest summers on record, and the stage was set to politicize the weather.

It was a deliberate act of political theatre on the highest order.

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Did Global Warming’s Pie-Eyed Piper Get Anything Right?

NASA-LogoJames Hansen has been the boy who cried global warming wolf for three decades. Being an actual scientist at NASA seems to have something to do with giving him credibility but not much else can. He’s been wrong about just about everything.

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Manhattan Underwater By 2018? Not So Much…

NASA Climate Expert Jim Hansen has been insisting for years that parts of Manhattan will be underwater sometime between 2008 and 2018 because of Global Warming. He’s been sounding the alarm(ism) on this since the late ’80s. In 2001 he doubled down on his own climate fear-mongering

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Muslim Outreach and Global Warming

Mr. Obama re-tasked NASA with the goal of reaching out to the Muslim World (even adding $300 million to their budget in the process).

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