State Senate Committee Votes to End NH Democrat Efforts at Repealing Education Equality

From Facebook:

Senator Andy Sanborn reports fabulous news!! –> the Senate Health, Education, and Human Services Committee voted to kill HB370, so that’s a win for parents and school choice!!!

The Senate will still have to vote on the recommendation to kill the repeal effort but this is a very positive signal.   And I I get to say ‘…Democrats attempt to repeal education equality.‘  That’ll have the leftocrats foaming at the mouth and spraying spittle on their keyboards as they attempt to translate their outrage into smears and slurs.

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Free State lawyer in NH saves family and enforces U.S. Constitution in New Jersey

11-year-old Josh Moore and his new .22 rifle (AP photo)

Democrats and other regressives (not “progressives”; these people have nothing to do with “progress”) love to call names and tell lies about the Free State Project and its participants. That’s because Freestaters tend to revere the U.S Constitution and the Bill of Rights (which are inconveniences to regressives, who are statists to the core).

A demonstration of why the regressives hate Freestaters so much was just given when Evan Nappen, a lawyer, author, and 2nd Amendment expert—as well as Free State Project participant who moved to New Hampshire with his family several years ago—was called on an emergency basis Saturday night from New Jersey as a family was subjected to a late-night home invasion conducted by…

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New Hampshire Democrats Want Their JackBoot Back on The Necks of Poor Kids

schooL_choiceBack in April of 2012 we reported on how 71% of New Hampshire’s public schools failed to meet their adequate yearly progress in math and reading.  (Not very ‘progressive’ of them.)  We later debated the potential benefits to local New Hampshire school districts who could ‘potentially’ collect a tax windfall per student with the program–more than they would lose if the new voucher legislation was passed.  (It passed.)  We made fun of left wing criticism (narrative) against the scholarship program and even showed how it had saved other states money.  We even reminded Liberals that they have been known to argue against overturing settled law (which the school voucher program is), the same Democrats who were now focusing on the budget as promised trying to overturn every law Republicans passed that they could–as quickly as possible.

Well, New Hampshire Democrats are still Democrats and the scholarship program passed by House Republicans is a threat to their union monopoly on education.  So a scholarship program that is specifically designed to direct private money to help the most vulnerable, low income families in our state, gain access to schools with the potential to deliver better outcomes, must be repealed.

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