Parallel to the hottest heated hotness ever narrative are the ‘wildfires’ raging across the landscapes of countries where it is also hot. But much like many of the fires blamed on global warming, the culprit – while human influence – is arsonists.
The Trans Suicide Myth and Blackmail Politics
“Rates of suicide are as high as 40% in transgender youth,” Dr. Simrun Bal of Dartmouth Health testified at the New Hampshire State House. “Imagine that if there are 100 people in this room, 40 of us would have attempted suicide.”
Bravissimo … Italy Says Fanabla To Woke-Globalism
So there were elections in Italy yesterday. And the winning party has been nearly universally described by the Western press as “right-wing”, “far-right,” blah, blah, blah. Well … try thinking for yourself.
Maybe We can Do this Here – Italians Are Organizing an Effort to “Arrest” Their Government.
A meme/movement is gaining momentum in Italy (or so they claim). The idea is to convince all the opposition groups to agree to arrest their government for crimes against the people.
Has F. Joe Biden Become the International Poster boy for Incompetent Tyrants?
F. Joe Biden is everywhere and why not. It just rolls off the tongue. It’s syntactically balanced, and I’d dare say, melodic. But that makes you wonder if people are truly peeved or if it’s become a fad?
Anti Vaxx-Passport and COVID Policy Protests Continue Around the World — Under-Reported
One of the more under-reported or un-reported news items of the past several weeks is the anti-covid policy and anti-vaccine passport protests. We touched on them here, but you won’t find much in the way of in-depth reporting or even a mention outside social media (where permitted).
“Anyone found wearing a face mask without need will be fined.”
In what may be the first order of its kind, a mayor whose city has no reported coronavirus cases has ordered people not to wear masks.
Italy: A Much Smaller Percentage of Deaths Were Actually Caused by the Coronavirus
This entire crisis is overblown. The political response borders on criminal. In New Hampshire, for example, the entire county of Coos has the same weeks-long lockdown protocol as everywhere else and only two recent cases of Coronavirus. Two, countywide! It’s Criminal.
Coronavirus: The Timberlane School District Did Something Right?
Here’s something you won’t see every day. I’m going to give the Timberlane School District an atta-boy. They’ve publicly notified and instructed students and teachers who recently traveled to Italy to please self -quarantine for two weeks
Links for International News of the Day
We hope the Links for International News of the Day will help you stay abreast of happenings in the broader world that may affect your corner of it. U.S. Democratic debate highlights: Healthcare, gun control and party unity take center stage. Reuters. Biden maintains grip on 2020 Democratic race after third debate. Reuters. Biden attacks … Read more
Italy’s God Emperor Trump (If You Haven’t Seen It Yet, Check This Out!)
Say hello to God-Emperor Trump. A huge moving recreation of the meme. What meme? This one. Make sure you read the captioning. And check out the mighty Twitter Sword with words that, according to the designer mean “here are your f-ing tariffs.” A joke, he says, but then, it is his opinion that this is a weapon … Read more
The End of the Beginning of the End
When not caused by war, nations decay slowly and gradually (e.g., modern day France, Italy, Spain, Greece etc.).
Alas, now, it seems ours is no different. Its exceptionalism is dissolving into the ordinary. It’s a choice made by the people. They fore-go liberty and self subjugate themselves under ruling political and administrative classes of which they’ll never be a part. They’ll never rise to those classes because they’re taught apathy, complacency, and their place since birth. They are relieved of the burdensome onus of everyday decisions. Decisions that were proudly made by preceding generations that were not a bother or an onus at all to them. To them, it was life. Deciding what to do, how to live, and how to be was essential and culminated in traditions, virtues, and mores.
That became too onerous for the generations that followed, they blithely go about taking direction and surrendering thinking and creativity to others in the elite political classes.