Gov Chris Sununu

It’s Time for Another Episode of, Sununu Said …

Fresh off yesterday’s edition of “Sununu Said,” where he asked candidates not to make it personal with Trump, we’ve got another example. Governor Sununu and a dozen legislative energy apostles signed a letter to Robert Ludlow, the CFO at ISO New England.

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cold weather plar vortex

Another Reason to Vote Out Democrats – The Potential for Rolling Blackouts in a New England Winter

ISO New England keeps saying they think the grid will be stable this winter, but they are lying. What the hell else would they say but we don’t have the energy infrastructure or the energy, and it’s a failure they’ve known about for a while—one which is almost entirely the fault of the political Left.

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Ice formation icicles

Northeast ‘Energy Policy’ – How About Freezing to Death My Pretties….

The ‘Grok been sharing the declining fortunes of the New England Energy grid (As well as energy in general) for years. As the left has swept up political power, forward-thinking means green “capacity.” This is useless in the bitter cold when we need it most while what we need – natural gas – is blocked by the same politics.

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