Biden Yang Yang Yang Young Young

Joe Biden’s Yang Yang Yang Moment

Stumbling, stuttering, mumblin’ Joe did his supporters proud the other day when he attempted to say the word young as part of a complete sentence, with the understanding that a complete sentence for Joe is not exactly the same as for you or me.

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Maybe the House Got the Message

by Don

Perhaps the House of Representatives did get the message from last November‘s election and from polls indicating that Americans are serious about cutting deficit spending.  On Tuesday, in a bi-partisan vote (82 Democrats,  236 Republicans) the House overwhelmingly rejected President Obama’s request to unconditionally increase the debt ceiling.  Only 97 Democrats voted to continue reckless spending.  

Despite alarmist claims about not raising the debt ceiling, the Secretary of the Treasury can dispense its approximately $2 trillion revenues on a priority basis.  Our country need not default on our debt or fail to pay the military, seniors, the poor, or other critical obligations UNLESS OBAMA’s administration CHOOSES NOT TO MAKE THOSE PAYMENTS. 

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