Waterford City, Ireland: 99.7% Fully Vaccinated – Highest Rate of New COVID Cases in the Country

Two days ago, we shared some news about Lithuania. With an above-average vaccination rate, they still see near-record infections. Well, this blows that away. Waterford City, Ireland, is 99.7% fully vaccinated so, what’s all this, then?

As reported in the Irish Times, the nation’s establishment newspaper, two of the three most COVID-infected electoral areas in Ireland are located in the county “with the highest rate of vaccination in the country.” In Waterford, a remarkable 99.7 percent of adults over the age of 18 is fully vaccinated.



If you read on, you’ll discover that while we were all looking at Australia, Ireland had a toxic, totalitarian COVID police state all its own. “The arbitrary evolution of Irish COVID policy over the past 18 months has made it clear that public health officials and government policy makers have no idea what they are doing. If proof were needed, County Waterford provides it.”

They’ve only recently raised restrictions on weddings and outdoor gatherings, and indoor service is permitted if you can prove you are vaccinated. In other words, the perfect Democrat public health police state. Except there’s a problem, and not just in Waterford City.

Related: Lithuania is Approaching Record New Cases Despite Being Over 60% Vaccinated and a COVID-Fascist State


Although Waterford is running three times the rate of the nation writ large, Ireland as a whole is not faring particularly well, especially given its draconian restrictions. In the seven days preceding October 21, Ireland reported 2,026 new cases. To put that number in perspective, wide-open Florida had 2,262 cases during that same period with a population more than four times greater than the Irish Republic.


And Florida has not had any of those restrictions, including bench warrants for the arrest of COVID skeptics. Yes, Ireland issued an arrest warrant for a “prominent Covid sceptic and anti-vaccination campaigner.” She was an Irish “Scientific superstar” until her brilliant scientific mind began to question government policy on COVID19. The scientist became a conspiracy theorist peddling misinformation.

That’s the sort of nation the left and their republican water carriers want for the US. A state from which we would never return. That would be it. Game over. The new normal. A “normal” where doing everything the experts say results in the country’s highest rate of new positive cases.

As this Spectator article’s headline notes, “Who to Blame When Everyone’s Vaxxed?”

Who, indeed.

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