O’Brien 2020: Intro Ceremonies and NH State Representative Al Baldassaro

For time purposes, I’ve chopped up the Rally into a number of different clips (Internet attention spans, dontcha know) – few people are going to watch an hour long event on YouTube (or so I’ve been told over and over since doing this).  That said, the Rally for Bill O’Brien’s Announcement for US Senate (yes, … Read more

Ray Chadwick GST

Granite State Taxpayers Rally – Intro Ceremonies and remarks

Yeah, I know – I’m late on getting the last of the Granite State Taxpayers’ rally up.  Processed them last nite so here they are with apologies: Intro Ceremonies and opening remars by GST Chair Ray Chadwick: NH House Republican Leader Dick Hinch: Businesslady Marga Culp: NH Senate Minority Leader Chuck Morse: Granite State Taxpayers … Read more

NH GOP Convention – Intro Ceremonies

These videos include the actual into ceremonies (e.g., Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, Sidenote: do the Democrats actually honor those two things any more?  After all, they’re the Party that booed God at their Convention and it seems that Democrat infested institutions are rejecting saying the Pledge to do the “higher” calling of the Social Justice … Read more

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