Has Joe Biden Sold Out Our Country?

To Democrats, that suggestion may seem outlandish, maybe even shameful. They might say that to suggest an American President could betray his own country is unpatriotic, and un-American. They’d say it’s the kind of rhetoric we might expect from the fringe elements of our society – anti-government fanatics, conspiratorialists, perpetual malcontents. They’d probably include most … Read more

Big tech control and your freedom

Big Tech Control and Your Freedom

Big tech control and your freedom is something you should pay attention to. What big tech is doing to conservatives might well be something described by Martin Niemöller.

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Voting for Corruption

How Much Corruption Will Democrat Voters Stomach Just To Defeat Trump?

Looking at the primal rage and anti-Trump hysteria burdening Democrats these days, it’s hard to remember that just a few short years ago, they were alive, happy, and filled with boundless love.  Yet there they were, metaphorically basking on the deck of some luxury ocean liner, with Barack Obama at the helm and the wind at their backs.

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Notable Quote – George Will

It is, however, an iron law: The more government does to influence the flow of money, the more money will be spent to influence elections. -George Will ( The Conservative Sensibility) (H/T: Cafe Hayek) I’ve been saying a similar thing for years – when the stakes of holding the levers of Power go up, more money … Read more

Mike Earmark Brunelle To Be Investigated

The democrats are probably already crying like a toddler who just lost their balloon. (Ironic that they wont have to pay a fine.) But we should look at this seriously and in a context that the progressives understand.

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