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SAU 16 Teacher Who Sits On Racial Unity’s Board Facilitated “Anti-Racist” Training…

It was recently revealed that The Lincoln Street Elementary School in Exeter has implemented a Restorative Justice initiative and that one of their teachers, Mariam Levy just happens to own a business called “Circling Towards Justice.”

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The Shields Model for Gun Confiscation

“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”   —Mao Tse Tung

Gun_GrabbersWho is Pete Shields?” Nelson T. “Pete” Shields, the Third, born in 1924, was the 1978 founder of  Handgun Control, Inc. Hailing from the Manhattan blue blood wealthy elite and educated at the exclusive Hotchkiss School, Shields graduated from Yale in 1949.  A former World War II Navy Pilot, Shields was also a former executive at E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company.  Shields’  son, Nelson IV, was killed by four militant blacks in San Francisco in 1975, during the racially motivated “Zebra killings.” Shields advocacy to outlaw all guns sought the incremental means over generations.

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A documentary about “printing guns” with 3-D printer technology

Cody Wilson, age 24, is a law student in Texas. He’s also one of the founders of Defense Distributed, Inc., a company dedicated to developing and distributing open-source software that can be used to “print guns” with the emerging technology of 3D printing. As I watched this documentary, I thought, “What would have happened if … Read more

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